• Now available in black or white
  • Higher resolution display (300 ppi) - with twice as many pixels
  • Built-in adjustable light - read day and night
  • No screen glare, even in bright sunlight, unlike tablets
  • A single battery charge lasts weeks, not hours
  • Massive selection, low prices - over a million titles $2.99 or less
  • Prime members read free with unlimited access to over a thousand titles

I have been fortunate to get two Kindles on Prime Day. The first, a Voyage - I received two years ago for 50 dollars off. I did not intend on buying a second one at this point. But this white Paperwhite has had my interest and when I saw it for $79.99, I jumped on the opportunity. I have owned several of these, and it all began with the Kindle Keyboard. When I received this Paperwhite, I charged it full and then registered it. I then downloaded the current novel that I am reading and compared this display to the Voyage. I really cannot justify the Voyage price now. Yes, I did get this at an unbelievable price - but the screen and text quality are stunning, the lighting seems to be uniform, and I like it in white. Its different from the norm. As a professional reviewer also noted, the plastic seems to be different than then earlier paperwhite models, and the back is a bit shinier and it seems to resist the oil from our skins that others are drawn to - including the Voyage. As far as special offers go - I think its the way to go. Amazon has used the same boring screensavers for years now when you choose to remove these offers. They at least offer variety. And they do not interfere with what you bought one of these for - to read. By now - I would think Amazon would give the user their choice for screensavers - the books cover could be one - or perhaps other images transferred to the device by the user. To sum things up, this is the Kindle you need if this is what you want to do - enter the wonderful world of e-reading. Above this - it becomes a want. Its a matter of substance over style. For $79.99, this was the steal of a lifetime.

Love the white frame it makes the device brighter and a much more natural page effect. I have a black framed one also and think the Paperwhite is a great product, you can read it in any kind of lighting and in the dark. I find it very soothing and relaxing reading in a room with ambient lighting versus using a reading lamp. I was using a tablet with the Kindle app previously and the glare made it difficult to read in many settings. The Paperwhite has a ton more options than the Kindle app making it a worth while buy, plus saving the battery on your tablets. Has a long lasting charge you can read 1-2 books before having to recharge.

Never in a million years did I think I'd use an e-reader. As a devout book lover, I really held onto the idea of reading a physical book. I loved the smell of books, the feel of the pages, and the visual of seeing how far I was getting in the book. However, in recent years, I have been moving every two years or so and I travel often, so carrying a heavy book with me in my bag or packing/moving boxes upon boxes of books has just been too much for me. Then I thought, "I'll just use the Kindle app on my phone/iPad." That was okay, but I found reading on these devices to be less than ideal because of 1) weight 2) blue light at nighttime and 3) distractions from other apps. So with the Black Friday deal, I finally decided to take the plunge for a Paperwhite Kindle and I'm SOLD!!! Reasons: 1) The Paperwhite is lighter than both my iPhone 6s w/ case and iPad Pro, let alone an actual book. 2) It's easier to hold in my hand than the above with the wider margins around the screen and overall thinness. 3) The screen feels way more comfortable on my eyes than iPhone+iPad. 4) I can take thousands of books everywhere with me, without the weight and space!! Overall, I cannot thank myself enough for the greatest gift I've ever received. P.S. I got the one w/ special offers, but I never see the ads unless the screensaver turns on. But if you just turn the screen off after reading, you'll never see those buggers!

Update 7/26/18: Definitely my favorite e-reader. I almost never read on my tablet anymore. With or without the front light, the Paperwhite is easy on the eyes and makes for an extremely enjoyable reading experience for hours at a time. While the hard drive is only 3GB, I have hundreds of books on my Paperwhite and have not filled it up yet. The ONLY thing I wish this Kindle had is buttons for turning the page. I don't think I can ever go back to paper books after using this beautiful piece of technology. Update 12/26/17: The Paperwhite has quickly become my favorite e-reader. The size and weight alone are enough to make me favor it over a tablet, but the e-ink display is fantastic. Even reading in the dark now, I'm not bothered by the white background and black text. It's just like reading a paper book, but infinitely more convenient. Update 12/8/17: I've become used to the front light, and it doesn't annoy me nearly as much as it did at first. I now find myself using the front light more often, rather than turning on a lamp. I find the e-ink display easier on the eyes than that of a tablet screen, which of course is the point of e-ink. 12/4/17: After years of reading on a tablet screen with the Kindle app, this Kindle Paperwhite went on sale for Cyber Monday, and I decided to give it a shot. There are many things that I love about it, and a few things that I don't. First, the good: -The screen, without the front light, is easy to read in bright light, and even in somewhat dim light. It is more like paper, rather than a digital screen. -It is a touch screen, which makes navigation easy. -The battery lasts forever. I've had it for almost a week now, and haven't had to charge it yet. The battery is still quite full. -If you have wifi, you can shop easily on the Kindle store, right from the device itself; a luxury not afforded on a regular tablet. -With a Kindle device there is also the wonderful addition of Family Library. You can link your Amazon account with other family members in your household and share your books with each other. Again, this is not something that can be done on a regular tablet. -The device is very light-weight, and comfortable to hold. -The size is perfect; small enough to fit in a purse or a large pocket, yet large enough to make reading comfortable. (I don't like reading on my smartphone because the screen is way too small.) And now, the not-so-good: -The front light is cold (blueish). I like to read in bed, and one of the benefits of reading on a tablet is that the screen is back-lit so that I don't have to turn a light on. However, I wish that the front light on the Paperwhite were warmer (more yellow or orange). When I read on the Paperwhite in bed, I find myself turning the front light off, and turning a lamp on to read it like a regular book. I wish that I had just bought the basic Kindle, since I don't use the front light. Though, after reading some other reviews, it seems that I'm the only one who feels this way about the light. -When the screen brightness is turned down to 0, the screen still glows faintly, though it is only obvious in a dark room. It's not a big deal, it just annoys me. -I wish that I had the option of making the background black and the text white. If I could do that, the color of the front light wouldn't bother me nearly as much when reading in bed. I do that on my tablet when I read at night, and it's great. I'm sure there's a reason why that can't be done with the e-ink display, but I don't know what it is. -I've seen other reviewers complain that the back of the kindle is a grease-magnet. I have also found this to be true, however I put a thin Fintie case on my Kindle, and that is no longer an issue. Bottom line: the pros outweigh the cons for me, and I do really love this e-reader. Had I known that the front light would annoy me so much, I would have just bought the basic Kindle instead of the Paperwhite. I still give it five stars because I'm sure for most people the front light would be a benefit to them.

I purchased white Kindle PaperWhite at Best Buy. This is by far the best model for the price. The back light is just enough for night reading but doesn't fatigue the eyes like an iPad. It's a little difficult to highlight and take notes, but I suppose it just takes some getting used to the touch screen since it has a different feel than a smartphone or tablet. So far the white model hasn't gotten any stains from being in a backpack and purse with pencils or in my coat pocket. I will Update if that changes.

I have tried to get my parents using Kindles, starting from an early one with the keyboard. They are in their 90s and enjoy reading but are not into computers or tablets so the interface was a bit of a challenge. I have been wanting to try a touch screen Kindle so finally grabbed a Paperwhite which I like a lot. I have the Kindle app on my iPod and have read a lot of books on it. But I found James Ussher's Annals of the World somewhere on the web as a PDF and put it on my iPod, and the text was microscopic, I read some of it somehow. I put it on the new Paperwhite and it was much easier to read but still pretty small and not adjustable. Then I remembered you can email documents to the Kindle by sending them to user@free.kindle.com where user is your Amazon user name. I found out that if you put the word convert on the subject line the document can in some cases be converted. It might take a while. A link is sent by email, use it to log into your Amazon account. I just tried it to get the details but am getting an internal error so can't include them right now. But if it works correctly a PDF can be converted to a regular Kindle doc with adjustable font size (use the Word format). The touch screen is a big help but is still too complicated for my parents to easily navigate without getting in trouble. If they bump the wrong spot on the screen they get in an unintended mode. What would be very useful is to have a Basic Mode that could be customized a bit to show the page number (with maybe a decimal fraction) and a small menu at the top with words like "Books" "Light" "Text Size" ... that would give a simple interface to those options. This might be useful for young or older readers, or somebody that doesn't want the clutter of all the options. A menu symbol in the list would get to the normal interface when needed. My Kindle is loaned to my dad right now to see how he does. If he likes it I'll have to get another one.

Absolutely love it. I've been with Nook since 2010, but when I learned that Overdrive had been removed from their store, I was reluctant to buy a new one since I was needing to replace my old one from 2012. I had always been skeptical about switching over to kindle, but I'm glad I made the switch. I am used to its size (not too much bigger from the Nook Touch Glowlight, but it's a little thicker, which I love), and its backlit screen. I love reading in bed and this is perfect for that and for those stormy days when you want to be cozy in a dimly lit room, yet still want to read. Its touch screen is amazing and reads quickly, unlike the nook which took a few taps almost every time. The Goodreads feature is a big perk, allowing me to update from the Kindle on the books I'm starting, have finished, and write reviews. I often forget to do this when I begin or finish a book, so it helps. All in all, a great purchase, and I don't see myself straying from this for a long time to come.

I have had 4 other Kindle's prior to this one. This one is BY FAR my favorite. It is so easy to use, it is super light, and makes a book worm like me able to read with no effort at all!

I own a voyage, an oasis, and now a white Paperwhite. I bought this because I wanted a white Kindle. I must say I like it more than I thought I would. I like that the back is not rubberized anymore, but a hard shell. The screen resolution and lighting are actually quite good and better than i expected. The lighting is not as good as the oasis but it's good enough that I'll be happy reading with either device. I can't say the same about the voyage. I really don't see a market for the voyage anymore. It's my least favorite Kindle. I would either get a Paperwhite or an oasis depending on budget. The only reason I got a voyage when it was released was because the screen had a higher resolution than the Paperwhite. Not anymore. I'm very happy with my white Paperwhite!

I got this Tuesday and wow! I love it, it's fantastic and so lightweight. I have the white one as you see from pictures I've added and I couldn't be happier. Reading in the dark the built in light is so perfect you can read perfectly and no glare. I love the built in dictionary that has really come in handy. You hold your finger on the word and the definition comes up, I just love it. I suggest getting a case as it's slick and could drop easily. I got the wall charger when I ordered this because it only comes with the kindle and charger cord. And you CAN'T use just any wall charger, it has to be specified for kindle. I recommend this kindle 100%