• Jelly Belly BeanBoozled jelly beans. Weird and nasty flavors mixed with regular ones. Lift the lid, lower the lid and like magic a bean appears! Makes a great game.
  • Includes Bonus Refill box.

I give this 5 stars because it IS exactly what it says. This was the most stupid mistake I made in 2018. I have a strong stomach and most things I can try. These are so bad. My biggest issue with these was not so much the bad flavors. I could have handled that. It's that they linger for-freaking-ever. 5 minutes and a lot of water later I was still tasting stinky feet. Nope. Buy this for your enemies.

These are some of the most awesome, disgusting things on the planet. I lost my nerve after my forth round. I got the grass clippings and moldy cheese. Lefts just say if it says it tastes like it says, it does. No questions asked - I didnt hit dog food but I am sure it will taste like dog food. Toothpaste tastes like toothpaste, booger is nasty. Rotten egg is disgusting. That is all we know so far. The good ones are really good. The bad ones are really bad. We now know barf tastes like barf. The taste doesnt go away quick either so if you have booger taste in your mouth plan in it staying there for a bit. If that happens you have to try another to get rid of the taste. Regardless, these are awesome. I am very impressed with Jelly Belly and the flavors they have provided. 5 stars all the way.

Oh horror of horrors! When you would rather eat the toothpaste one than even take a chance on the other flavors, you know it is a bad idea... That being said, it is funny as heck to watch someone else eat something that tastes terrible. The really nice thing about this packaging is that it is like a travel size of the beanboozled game. The top pops out only one to two random beans on a nice serving platform. So you don't have to touch other beans to meet what is probably a truly awful jellybean. But don't smell the inside, it smells freaking terrible! Bring this to your next party and make all your friends hate you. Hand it to teenagers who think they are invincible and get ready to watch the show. It is a terrible idea and a terrible product and just too good to pass up.

I bought these for incentives while raising money for St Jude Play Live charity streams. Well, it helped me raise over $2500......but I also had to eat them and may or may not have puked in my mouth several times. So I am perplexed do I give it 1 star because I was beanboozled almost every damn bean and fully convinced there are no good tasting ones in there or do I have it 5 stars because it's just as advertised and it helped me raise money for charity. Well either way, if there is someone in your life that you wish to see suffer, these will do the trick. Happy eating!

I purchased these for my son's Easter baskets and we had a blast with them. We passed them around, felt like I was playing Russian Roulette, but thought "how bad can they be?". The answer is BAD if you get one of the bad flavors! The canned dog food bean left me running for the garbage can, as did the barf flavored bean. Each container has beans that have a "twin", for instance, the white one could be coconut or baby wipes. I feel for the person who had to test the flavors! My co-worker got skunk spray and ran for the door to spit it out. Lots of fun and laughs!

I bought this to do with my best friend! The jelly bean challenge 😂 The gross ones actually tasted gross, we almost vomited several times, but man did we have some laughs!! DO NOT do the challenge if your stomach can't take it because they REALLY taste like the flavors!!

This was an absolute HIT with my 3 nephews! We got them this game for Christmas and it slowly took over the entire extended family Christmas party. Crazy to think something so inexpensive would be the favorite gift of the year! This made me and my husband so excited. We were poor college students at the time, and couldn't afford to get fancy gifts for our 10 siblings combined, parents, and our nieces/nephews. It's rare that such an inexpensive present becomes a hit, so THANK YOU for keeping this affordable so many can enjoy it!

These jelly beans are awesome (well as long as you are not the one eating them)! I'm a high school teacher and my students occasionally like to take the BeanBoozled Challenge against each other or sometimes me when we have some down time. This container is great because it dispenses a random bean so you don't know what you are going to get and you don't have to worry about people poking around in the container to try to get the one they prefer.

I worked for months gaining my coworkers' trust with the bulk Jelly Belly Beans (from Costco) on my desk. Everyone always came by to grab a couple handfuls and walk away. I waited until April Fool's Day and mixed this in with what remained of the last of the bulk beans. It took a few days before people started realizing that something "wasn't quite right"... then someone got a vomit flavor. The laughing lasted for days now everyone eyes any candy I have with suspicion.

This game is so much fun. It's a great way to play with your kids. They just crack up when you get a bad tasting one!! They really do taste like the real deal (or what I would imagine it would taste like). There are new flavors now too. Spoiled milk and dead fish. Yuck!! Lol. Boys and girls alike will enjoy this and many ages. I have given them to my nieces and many for gifts. I plan on giving a bunch for Christmas. Something to do for fun. Thumbs up.