• Accurate and reliable ovulation tests.
  • Sensitivity level: 25 mIU/mL.
  • Determine your most fertile days.
  • Over 99% accurate at detecting your LH surge.

These test strips are spot on with the Clear Blue Digital Ovulation test. I use both just as a peace of mind. You will always have two lines, as there is always LH in your system. However, when you have an LH surge, the second line will be either the same color as the control line or even darker, like in my picture. My ovulation is never at the same time, so being able to use these with the Clear Blue and them being correct is comforting. Because these are so affordable, you can keep testing until you get a positive. I always start testing about 12/13 days after first day of last period. Sometimes I ovulate around day 14 and sometimes around day 21. I use first morning urine instead of afternoon/2pm urine since I drink so much water throughout the day which dilutes your urine. These are accurate, affordable, and I will continue to use until I get pregnant.

Works better and easier to read the results than with the First Response ovulation test. Just for example, I haven't yet gotten any invalid readings as I sometimes did with First Response. Also with First Response, I had a hard time telling the difference between the strong second line that meant positive, and the slightly less dark line that meant negative. With Pregmate, it is really easy to tell: the second line is either really clear, or it is barely visible. I used it for three days straight, and got two positive readings (evening of the first day and morning of the second day). Than I got one more positive reading on the morning of the third day, and and a negative reading by that same evening. Based on my normal cycle, and other symptoms, that was definitely matching up with my ordinary schedule. The design is more straightforward than First Response, no fancy plastic tube and cap and all that, but to me that only makes it easier to use - less unnecessary stuff to complicate things and get in the way. This is sold for a great price for a large supply. Do yourself a favor, and save yourself a lot of money (and aggravation trying to size up and compare the difference in those lines mean). I plan to buy more of these in the future, and pregnancy tests from this brand, as the need arises.

So we aren’t quite a success story (yet!), but I’m already so happy with these test strips. I was using a bigger named brand (ClearBlue, maybe?) from Target, I priced out every option to get the most bang for my buck but I still was spending $20 for 10 tests. Long story short I ovulate late (day 20), so I was only testing on the earlier/average end. These strips are so inexpensive compared to every other option that I’ve been testing daily (sometimes twice) like a mad woman and low and behold, I DO ovulate! I’m so happy my friend told me about these, and I can’t wait to try out the pregnancy test- hopefully soon! Good luck everyone, happy humping! :-)

I’m aware that most women probably use these to help them see when they’re ovulating for the purposes of getting pregnant. However, I use these as a form of fertility awareness and birth control. I wanted to see how accurate my period/fertility app was at predicting ovulation, and also wanted to become more familiar with my own fertility and cycle, but didn’t want to spend a ton of money on expensive ovulation test strips. These are a great price and work really well. I’m still fascinated to see the purple test line get darker as I get closer to ovulation and then see the extremely dark purple line when I’m ovulating. I haven’t tried any other test strips, but I assume these are accurate as the test shows negative when I know I’m not ovulating, and (as mentioned above), I’ll test positive the day before ovulation and then the line is a darker positive on the day of ovulation. The positive tests line up with what my app predicts as my time for ovulation as well as my knowledge of my own body’s signs. So if you’re looking to use these to help you become more familiar with fertility or for natural birth control purposes, these work great and aren’t too expensive!

Me and my husband began our journey in August after I took my last pack of birth control pills in July. For the first few months I relied on the ovulation calendars to predict my ovulation dates. After months of failure I decided to buy these test after reading all of the reviews ( and I do mean all). November was the first month using the test and I found out I ovulated later than the online ovulation calendars. On December 16 I got a clear positive test and did the BD. Being me I tested again on December 17 and also got a clear positive. AF was scheduled to come on November 29 and never showed up. On New Years Eve I tested positive on a walmart equate test. I was so excited I went to walmart and got the clear blue easy digital test and tested positive again. We have our first appoointment and ultrasound on Feb 6. If it wasn't for these tests I would never have know that I ovulated later and to continue BD'ing. Baby dust to all of you who are still on your journey, your day is coming soon!!!:).

This is very accurate. I’m glad that I bought this brand in addition to the other brand that I had already. I started using this product on 2nd week of Feb 2018, also the other brand. The following month I’ve got LH Surge detected but the other brand did not detect. Hmm! The other brand always does not detect LH surge. Hola! On December, 2018. I got my LO baby boy born normally without epidural or anything. Thanks God. I’m buying this again because we will try again and since then, I’ve been telling my friends about the accuracy of this product. Just try it yourself. I am not being paid for writing this. I just want to help women out there with my positive experience with this product. Update: Today, 3/5/2020 I am buying again. ;)

These ovulation tests are easy to use and really work great. I always had two lines but once u get the surge u‘ll know it‘s a surge because the test line is much more darker than the control line. Me and my husband had been trying a couple of months without ovulation kits and with apps u can track ur cycle with, however after using this kit I realized I was ovulating way later than the apps predicted. After just one months of using the ovulation tests I got pregant. Great value for the price as well! Difinitivley recommend them!

Following the directions, you calculate out when your ovulation window will occur. I started testing 2 days earlier than my calculated window because I was too excited! After about a week and a half, I finally got a faint second line. Two days later that line was bright red. We conceived that month and are due in March with our first baby. Absolutely works! Just be prepared to receive at least a week's worth of negative tests if you are not "sure" about your ovulation window. I was also tracking my "window" on the ovia app, and these tests helped me find out that I actually ovulated late in my cycle.

This kit as great, before we were using an ovulation app but we couldn't get pregnant even though we did it during the times the app said it had a high chance. So we decided to try an actual ovulation kit, and boy was the app off. From what we saw the app was at least a week off when my wife actually ovulated. When we got a positive sign for ovulation with these kit and did the deed. A week later we were pregnant. Using the app was such a waste of time, we wasted 2 months when we could have just bought this for a cheap price and got pregnant 2 months ago. Love it and will buy again.

I ovulate late in my cycle (around day 17/18) so using ovulation strips are helpful for me. I start using these when I notice changes in my CM. Month one I had lines almost the same color but not the same and wasn’t sure if they would work, similar to other cheap brands, but the next day the test line was darker. Didn’t get pregnant the first month but BFP on month two of using these!! Very easy to use and read. Just be patient for a true OPK result