- ✔ GIVE A STRESS-FREE HOME TO YOUR BETTA --- When fish are given their native ambiance, they tend to grow stronger and heartier. By lowering pH, they provide ideal water conditions. The Indian Almond leaves are considered to have beneficial properties and increase fish appetite making them stress-free.
- ✔ HAVE A BREEDING PET? ADD CATAPPA --- The tropical fishes create bubble nest using a floating leaf or a plant to anchor their bubbles. So if your tank has breeding tetra, guppy, platies, molly, cichlids, shrimps, just add these leaves and see them anchoring their eggs over IAL. That is a sight to behold.
- ✔ BENEFITS OTHER FISH & SNAILS TOO --- The tea water has many advantages for fishes like tetra, discus, and goldfish. It is good for rasboras and many dwarf cichlids too. Apart from that, snail owners can benefit from the magical leaves. Giving your fish this environment calms them down and boosts immunity. It also helps accelerate their healing rate, prevents fishes from getting ill easily, imparts color to them and makes their scales firmer.
- ✔ SMALLER LEAVES, EASIER PORTION CONTROL --- Each packet contains 50 leaves, which is a great value for money. Smaller Catappa leaves make for easier portion control and a good way to slowly introduce your pet to a new environment especially for smaller fishes in smaller tanks.
- ✔ ADDS BEAUTY TO NANO TANKS, SMALL BOWLS & JARS --- The Catappa leaves from SunGrow are unprocessed so you know what goes into your tank. They look pretty in a nano tank and adds aesthetic beauty to your planted tank. You may even add these in individual betta jars or bowls.
John Wright
Jury is in. Also I now see coloration being added to the water, which I view as a good thing.
UPDATE: My betta's activity is back to 100%. He has built his first large bubble nest in over three weeks. His appetite is ferocious again. I feed him twice per day. The water has that nice, very light brown tint. Bettas do not live in crystal clear water. I want the best environment for my betta versus what some may view as cosmetically pleasing tohave crystal clear water. Additionally, he gets his flare on when I show him something he doesn't like. He even flared at a blue, ballpoint pin I was holding in front of his tank. I am very relieved to see him back in full form. I am very glad to have added this product to his tank. It may not have been the only thing that helped but it appears to have been very beneficial for him. Therefore I've added one additional star to this review. END UPDATE Jury is still out as I do not see any coloration being added to the water. I broke a leaf in half (very large leaves) and placed both halves on opposite sides of my betta's 5.5 gallon tank. My betta uses one half as a blanket. He rests on top of his plastic leaf hammock completely covered by this product. Prior to adding this product to his tank, he stopped eating for nearly two weeks. I grew concerned after the first few days of him not eating even though he was still fairly active. I turned his heater up from 78 degrees to 80 (it runs one half to one degree colder than the setting.I waited a few days and he still would not eat. I brought him a fresh can of betta flakes. He still would not eat. I offered him his favorite treat, blood worms. He still would not eat. I added Betta Fix and antibiotics to his tank. No change. I grewe very concerned. I ordered this product after a week and a half of him not eating. My only comfort was he was still fairly active but I could see him slowing down a bit. I continued 25% water changes every few days. When the product arrived I immediately broke one leaf in half and placed them on opposite sides of the tank. Two or three days later my betta ate a small piece of flake food for the first time but left the rest. The next day he ate a little bit more than the previous time and left the rest, which gave me hope. Now he eats like the Tasmanian Devil, twice a day, just like he used to. He is fully active and making bubble nests again. I am so relieved. I think I caused his issue. I started buying distilled water again for my tea (its been years). I used the distilled water to top off his tank a few times over the course of a week or two. I poured it right out of the plastic jug into his tank thinking distilled water must be okay. I suspect that caused a health issue and loss of appetite due to the timing of it. I am angry with myself for causing him a couple of weeks of distress. I should have known better. Anyway, I don't know if his return to health was aided by this product or not. based on the timing it is possible this product played a role in my betta's recuperation. This is because I also added two live plants to his tank, which he loves. Two of the existing plants died a few weeks ago so I removed them and never replaced them, until now. I tried a few different things, which is the only reason I cannot definitely state this product helped to cure him. It may have. Based on the timing it is very possible. The leaves for this product are very large and packed pretty flat (stacked on top of each other) in a sealed bag, but they were not crushed. They did a great job with the packing. I have only used one leaf thus far. I used a whole leaf in my 5.5 gallon tank because he was ill. I will have to read the label to see if I can reduce that to a half leaf for the 5.5 gallon tank in the future. I expected the water to tint as it does when I used Betta Spa (liquid). It may have tinted slightly and I do not notice as it may have been slight and gradual. In time I should be able to make a better judgement. For now, four stars seems like a fair rating for my experience. I may add or remove a star in the future. I currently lean toward adding a star versus removing one. We'll see.
Maree Dun
Happy with purchase
Arrived quickly and intact. Purchased for RCS, snails seem to love them too. Would buy again.
Ana Kolevska
Great deal and quality for the price.
I was really surprised at how quickly they arrived, and even more surprised just how big the leaves are! They really are giant and came completely whole in a sealed bag with the recommended amount of leaves to add per gallon which was extremely helpful. I'll definitely be buying from this seller again.
Yvonne Hines
Works wonders!
My baby betta was very stressed out. I added a couple of these to his tank and he improved very quickly. In my picture, the bottom image clearly shows his stress lines. The top image was taken only a couple hours after adding the leaves to his tank. Will definitely be using these going forward with all my tropical fish!!!
Rebeca Shreve
Arrived quickly, no broken leaves, look great. Will purchase again and recommend this seller.
April Engada Taberna
Betta loves it
I got a betta from a family member who had the best of intentions but wasn't capable of caring for the fish. When I got him he had fin rot and swim bladder issues. He could only float on his side and couldn't swim down, even if he wanted to. And his beautiful fins were pretty gone. He was in a half gallon tank that couldn't fit a heater. I got him the Marina 360-Degree Aquarium Starter Kit which is 2.5 gallons and has a heater you can put in the column where the filter is. By the time the Catappa Leaves arrived he was pretty well on his way to better health. The warm clean water did a lot. So I can't say how well these would have helped. But he really does seem to like them. He's a very curious fish and he had to check the first one out quite a bit which was pretty adorable. He even took a bite to see if it was edible. Now he just hides under them. The PH of our water is around 8 which isn't great. But between these and the https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J4XPJAA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1 it's getting better.
Marli Jeneka
Catappa leaves/ Indian Almond leaves
My bettas loved the Catappa leaves, they use them as hammocks and like hiding in them when they sink. I ordered them for my bettas since one is tail biting and I read that Catappa leaves help with fin growth. The shipping was super fast (they arrived within 2 days). Thank you! I would definitely recommend ordering from this seller.
Angelita Nipales
A new staple in my fish cabinet.
I’ve only had these for a couple of days, but I have already noticed a difference in my betta sorority tank, as well as my tank including dwarf frogs, Kuhli loaches, and a male betta. My female bettas were spending a lot of time hiding, but I now often see them out and about or sitting on top of the leaves. In my other tank I often see the male betta, as well as the frogs and loaches resting near the leaf piles. These are small leaves, but I like the look of more leaf litter compared to one awkward giant leaf. The tannin leak from these leaves also gives a “jungle” look to planted tanks, which I actually love. These are a new staple in my fish keeping supplies.
Crystal Marie Perkins
Worked great
Leaves were bigger than I thought, but they worked great and released lots of tannins into the water. Don't leave in for more than three weeks, or they will start to dissolve creating a mess in the bottom of the tank. Note: I used them for breeding Betta fish.
Don Goode
Made my bettas very happy
I always use almond leaves with my bettas; they are much happier than when kept without. I love the small size of these; perfect for betta bowls!