• SECURITY HAS NEVER LOOKED SO GOOD: The Nest Cam Outdoor is here to help set your mind at ease. Nest Cam Outdoor is beautiful, weatherproof, and it plugs into power, so you never have to worry about dead batteries. Whether you're watching for the kids to get home from school, checking to see if your package has arrived, or scaring off a potential burglar, Nest Cam Outdoor is here to help!
  • DON'T MISS A THING WITH NEST ALERTS: You can’t always be watching your video feed. Nest Cam looks for motion and listens for loud sounds, like a boom or the crash from a window breaking. Then it can alert you with a photo from the event, and even save some pictures in the Nest app for three hours.
  • BE HEARD WITH NEST: Nest Cam Outdoor has a built-in speaker and mic so you can scare off a suspicious visitor when you’re out, or let the delivery man know to leave the package at the door.
  • WORKS WITH NEST: Nest has worked hard to design thoughtful devices to help keep you safe and secure. Nest devices not only communicate with each other but also with the other smart devices around your home. Your Nest Secure can use your smart light bulbs to help get your attention in the event of an emergency; your smart washer and dryer can take the data from Nest and run the next load of laundry when energy demand is low. Look for the Works with Nest badge and let Nest handle the rest.
  • THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE A NEST HOME: We love home. It’s the best place in the world. But not everything inside our homes is lovable. Some things beep at us; fail without warning; keep us in the dark. There are things we’ve learned to ignore. We think these things should do more. Nest is focused on making simple, human, delightful things. That’s how we’re creating the thoughtful home: A home that takes care of the people inside it and the world around it.

I freaking love these cameras. Over the past couple years, I've been slowly transforming my house into a smart home. Every light bulb in my house is a Phillips Hue color bulb - not relevant to this review but I'm just letting you know. Get good. I knew I'd eventually get cameras but everytime I tried to do research on them I got overwhelmed by all the different options, brands, and minutiae. I would eventually just say UGHHHHH and quit researching. Finally I decided I'd just buy these things and if I didn't like them or something, I'd send em back. I'm so glad that I did. These things are awesome. I installed them myself, it was so much easier than I thought it would be! The trick to get the cord in your attic from where you want to install them is to tape the camera's cord to something called a "glow rod" (I noticed they were also called fiberglass wire pull rods and or fish tape in my research), then feed it into the attic through the hole you drilled that's located on that part of your roof that juts out from the outside wall of your house. Before I installed these cameras I had no idea what a glow rod was, shoutout to that guy that made that youtube video that time. If you've ever went camping and put up one of those dome shaped tents - those flexible rods that join together to hold the tent's structure are basically glow rods. So, if you have one of those tents in your storage room, save yourself a trip to home depot and just use the tent's rod. I'd recommend putting a piece of tape around where each segment combines though, you wouldn't want them to come apart while you're in the attic feeding it to yourself, if the rod was to get stuck while you're pulling it to yourself in the attic and comes apart, you might have to crawl somewhere really cramped and scary to get it. I prefer Google stuff, as opposed to Alexa (sorry Amazon, you know I love you girl). All the TVs in my house have Chromecasts hooked up to them and I have a Google Home speaker in basically every room (am I on your nerves yet? because I'm on mine). Thus, I just have to say "Hey google, show [what I named that specific camera] on [the name of the specific TV's chromecast I want it to display on] and Google will reply, "Okay, streaming ABC camera on 123 TV. And boom! I see the creepers coming at night, they're not blowing up my giant pixelated mario again. Those creepers are so rude always trying to blow up my creations. If you've read my review this far, I hope you have the most amazing rest of the day ever. Like I hope today is the day that thing happens that you've been secretly wishing, or subconsciously wishing, would happen forever. :)

We love it but not cheap! :(

I was in the market for an outdoor security camera and debated between the Nest Outdoor Camera and the Canary Flex. I decided to go with the Nest being that it had better and more reviews than the Canary. I received the camera on a Friday afternoon and installed it the following morning about 10:30am. Within 24 hours we captured video of a man searching our vehicles. The vehicles were locked and nothing valuable was in them. The suspect came Sunday morning at 5:45am. The Nest app sent me the notification stating that it detected activity, but I never heard my phone. When I woke up, I sent the video and a still shot of the suspect to my neighbor who happens to be captain of our local police department. It's now Wednesday and they already have him identified. I was kind of hesitant about spending $180 for a camera, but it has already paid for itself. Overall, this is a great product and I have already recommended it to many locals in our neighborhood. I'm already trying to decide where I want to install my next camera.

I bought these cameras about a year ago; one for the front door/porch area and one for the driveway/ front of the house area. Overall I’m happy with these cameras now that I figured out why my driveway camera keeps going offline. Since I got the cameras, my driveway camera kept going offline several times a day. I tried lots of solutions: changed internet providers, faster speeds, installed a wireless access point (WAP) in the garage near the camera, high definition, low definition, 5ghz, 2.4ghz. Still the same problem with the driveway camera going offline. What finally worked was changing the WAP’s WiFi channel to 11 on 2.4ghz. I learned that most router/wap default settings are channel 5 or 6 and that I have lots Of neighbors with strong WiFi signals, probably all using the same default channel. So my camera was going offline due to a congested network channel. By changing to channel 11, the congestion is gone and the driveway camera works fine.

We're very happy with this so far (it's been a week). I can't find the link where I read about this, so I will state that I found it very easy to cut the cable coming from the camera and the resplice it together. This allowed me to drill a small hole in the top of our vinyly window casing and pass the cable through it to inside the house. Then I could just pass the cable through, rather than drilling the 7/8" hole required to pass the big connector on the end of the camera cable where it attaches to the usb power converter. I used three wire nuts to reattach the three wires to each other, but those are hidden behind our window shades, so no big deal. I found zero loss of power, video or audio quality after doing this, and now I just have two small holes in our window frames, rather than having to drill the big 7/8" holes through the side of the house. I don't mind the monthly subscription for recording - it costs a company money to host and maintain all the severs to record and store that video. If you want a system that allows you to record to your own computer or an SD card, then look for another option. I do wish Nest included a connector on the camera cable so you could just disconnect it when routing the cable, rather than having to cut and splice the cable yourself, but oh well. In the end these do exactly what we need and the app and interfaces just work. Well worth it for us.

There is much to say about the Nest outdoor cameras. First, I believe they are the best cameras available to the DIY consumer. Still learning the software and how to localize it's sensitivity to a designated zone. The cameras pick up all motions, sounds and activity, I ran into a problem after my wifi went down and I couldn't get the cameras back on line. I was told by customer support that since I changed my wifi password I had to re-scran each camera's bar code, like I did when they were originally set up. So, I had to reclimb the ladder to get to each camera. NOTE: Each camera has a bar code for scanning and beneath the code is a serial number. Customer support never informed me that these serial numbers work the same as the bar code. NOTE to consumer. Write down the seral number for each camera and avoid the need to rescan if it ever becomes necessary. This will save you a lot of inconvenice. I am disappointed in the lack of a more secure footing that was provided. I know that anything can be stolen, but a better attachment to base system would make theft a little less easy. I plan to update my review in a few months after I learn more about the NEST outdoor camera. Note: these are not the Nest IQ cameras

Mixed results. As others have said the hardware, packaging, and features are top notch and very well designed and manufactured. It is almost worthless without the Nest Aware subscription however which is $100 for ten days of recording history or $300 for thirty days of recording history. Without the subscription you will only get three hours of still picture "Snapshots", images of noticed activity by the camera, and even then you will never be able to view these "Snapshots" from their webpage or account, you can only view them through the App on your phone or tablet, when it is in a vertical orientation. I had an hour long conversation with two support representatives today with Nest, both of which provided me with links that had lovely information carefully displayed, and both of them could not answer basic questions and ran me around in circles fixating on small aspects of my conversation that I understood, but they did not. In the end I complained that there should be more than these two costly subscription packages, like a 5-Day option or 1-Day, that could be much more affordable than the two they currently have. They insisted that they had more than two options as I could also pay monthly at $10 a month for the ten day recordings, or $30 a month for the thirty day. I had to point out that their way was more expensive than their already pricey solution, and I would not be interested. They assured me they would share my feedback with their engineering team, which seems like a waste. I asked them to speak to management and sales instead. tl;dr Nest Aware needs cheaper options with less days of available recordings, once it does, this review will be five stars and I will return to showing off my Nest camera and recorded clips with everyone I know. Edit: Nest just quietly added a 5-Day option for $50 a year for one camera. I'm very happy to hear this, unfortunately for me it was after I was charged for the 10-day plan last month. But overall I think this is great and I will be contacting them to move my camera to the 5-day plan. My original review was two starts. With this new plan I've updated my review to be five starts.

I have read many reviews and problems online about this camera going offline. I too had that problem but believe I found the cause. This camera works great as long as you do not have WiFi interference. This camera worked flawlessly until I recently changed to channel 10 on my router. This camera then started to drop and go offline all day long and I assumed it was the camera going bad after working well for 2.5 months. I did some investigating and discovered channel 9 and Channel 11 BOTH had 4 devices running by my neighbors. Because I was on 10 and right in between those heavily used channels it created a 100db signal loss every minute or two and that would cause the camera to go offline thinking Wifi was off. I changed to a channel 4 while there were no users on 3 or 5 and now it works perfectly again! See the attached photo. For the past 10 hours.... the camera has not dropped and is working great when for the past 2 weeks it was dropping non stop.