• Heighten your experenceis. Enrich your adventures. Let the super-charged PS4 Pro lead the way
  • 4K TV Gaming – PS4 Pro outputs gameplay to your 4K TV
  • More HD Power – Turn on Boost Mode to give PS4 games access to the increased power of PS4 Pro
  • HDR Technology– With an HDR TV, compatible PS4 games display an unbelievably vibrant and lifelike range of colors

Always like Playstations. I've owned every iteration and they just keep getting better. That being said, consoles are basically PC's now. The biggest difference is user friendliness and a controller versus a mouse. I use mine primarily to watch Netflix and I play the occasional game. I originally purchased it for the GT Sport release which was a huge let down so I had to find other uses for it, which it plays my blu-rays and Netflix great. The games I do play on it look amazing as well. Owned it now for over six months and it has not given me any issues.

Great system , had my second one, first one was the Regular PS4, the difference is visible in the games, the Performance is better with the additional features at HW level. Will try to get a second one. :-)

Phenomenal machine. I expect nothing less from Sony. I had a slim model previously and wanted the 4k upgrade. Faster frame rates, faster CPU and GPU. This is Sony's flagship console. I highly recommend this system.

If you have a 4k tv or want a supersampled image out your game. PS4 pro is a good upgrade over the base console. Newer games almost universally support the pro so if you can afford it, get this instead of a regular ps4.

This system is quite powerful. Load times are much faster compared to original ps4. Make sure you do have a tv that is compatible with 4k/hdcp/hdr for full effect. Also note that the hdr feature is not a system based feature, the game itself dictates whether or not the system will broadcast 4k. The only complaint is that if I switch between hdmi ports while the ps4 pro is still on, then go back to the ps4 pro I experience a static screen. From the research I have done this is due to hdcp broadcasting through the hdmi. Make sure to use the supplied hdmi cable. Note this does not occurs while playing the pro. Only if inputs are switched. Overall this is a great console

For a game experience, nothing compares to PS4 Pro. I've been playing a few games now and I am very impressed. The exclusive games on PS4 is overwhelming - I highly recommend it.

I used to be a console game growing up, but once I got a real gaming of I thought I would never go back. But I was wrong! I am very pleased with the PS4. The UI for its menu is excellent, the controller is sleek and nice to handle, and the 4K support is very nice. Most importantly, however, the PS4 has some excellent exclusives that you can't get anywhere else. My first game was Persona 5, and it's definitely one of my new favorite video games of all time. I'm pretty much on this console at least a few hours a day, it's that fun. I would highly recommend it to anyone trying to get into console gaming

tl;dr We definitely need to get the word out to people who are buying new Pros to use ROTTR (Rise of the Tomb Raider) as a benchmark to test if you got a bad Pro or not. I don't want to repeat what others have said about the system. It's awesome. If you are reading this, you probably already know if you want one or not. With "Boost Mode" (Firmware 4.5) incoming, it's almost a no-brainer for an avid gamer. What I do want to share is my experience to save as many headaches as possible. I originally purchased a used PS4 Pro on Warehouse Deals and saved myself $60. Yay! Until I started playing. I soon discovered why it was used - It would crash all the time on Pro-patched games. So, back it went. I still wanted one and decided to buy new this time to avoid anymore hassle. I didn't want to risk losing my 1-year warranty either, which I would soon need. Long story short, my next brand spanking new PS4 Pro started crashing as well. I was convinced it was software related and Sony just working the bugs out. Nope! After doing a lot of research, all the games that were crashing on me (Diablo 3 and ROTTR were the biggest culprits) were being played without hitch by most PS4 Pro owners. I was outside my return window so I had no choice but to send mine to Sony for repair. This was a hard decision as most games still ran just fine (including most PS4 Pro patched games - Skyrim SE, FFXV, AC Syndicate, Shadow of Mordor, Uncharted 4, etc), and I didn't want to replaced a perfectly working system with a refurbished one, but what choice was left? So many others were playing these games without crashing. Well, I got my warranty repair back. Credit to Sony, they sent me a brand new one! Couldn't be happier about that, but the important thing - No more crashing on ROTTR, Diablo 3, or anything else! The fan sounded much quieter and less erratic as well. Without a doubt, the crashing was definitely hardware related as many people had suggested in forums. It happens, I understand. What is surprising to me is how many people this is happening to in the forums. I think most people are okay, but I wonder how many people have defective Pros and haven't realized it yet. If I had to guess (and this is just pure speculation on my part) I would say the problem stems from a very large batch of bad PS4 Pro GPU's. Half of the GPU is always being used. The other half is completely dedicated to Pro-enhanced/patched games only to be used in tandem with the other half (which some games might not fully make use of). This explains why you can play plenty of 4k games without crashing. Whatever the problem, it's definitely hardware related - A patch isn't going to fix it. I know no one wants to hear that their brand new console is defective, but if you are experiencing the same, it's true. Early adopter problems I guess. The good news is you can test to see if yours is defective. Very simply, if you have Rise of the Tomb Raider, play it the second you get your Pro. If you experience crashes, congratulations you won the lottery (you should experience crashes within 15 minutes if it is). Take it back immediately and replace it. If you are outside of your return period, you can still warranty replace it with Sony. If you have to use Sony's warranty repair, I will add they are excellent! It was very hassle free, and they straight-up sent me a new one. For reference, below is my timeline for Playstation repair: 1/25/17: Requested Warranty Repair 1/30/17: Received Return Box and shipped 2/2/17: Delivered to Sony Repair in Laredo TX 2/8/17: Received an email stating my product was shipped 2/14/17: Received brand new PS4 Pro After this experience, I'm definitely buying the PS4 Pro insurance if it becomes available (be aware the regular Playstation Protection Plan currently doesn't cover the Pro). Good luck, I hope this helps!!

I was hoping the interface would be different from the standard PS4 dashboard but I can't complain. You will instantly notice a massive improvement. It is so crisp, framerate is smooth! The most beneficial feature for me is 1TB of space. I had so many games and I was only able to play 2/3rds of them. I doubled my hard-drive storage and now I can play all of my games. Woot! The PS4 Pro is noticeably bigger than the standard PS4. You may want to measure an area to place it. My old PS4's "area" was too small for my new PS4 Pro, so I had to build a shelf for it instead. It looks better so I'm happy.

Good upgrade from the basic So, I have a 4K TV and my original PS4 kicked the bucket due to controller issues. This prompted me to buy a PS4 PRO to replace my Launch day PS4 and I have not regretted it at all Now, feature wise, it is pretty much the same as the core PS4 in terms of U.I and such, but you get the advantage of higher Frame rates in games and some better graphics. This also future Proofs anything that will come out on the PS4 which is nice What do I mean by this? This has to do with the fact that Sony will be releasing a PS5 sometime within the next couple of years. We all know this is coming at some point! So, if you have a run down Basic PS4 and want a new 1, go for the Pro, trust me!