• Designed to add oxygen and circulate nutrition to your hydroponic growing system.
  • Extend the life of your nutrient solution, keep roots healthy.
  • Produce fine bubbles for oxygen replacement.
  • Size: 4" X 2" X 2". Fits for 4mm inner diameter tube.
  • Fit for hydroponic systems, ponds, aquariums or fish tanks and other systems.

These air stones work well for a good price. I use them in my koi pond during our hot summers in Houston, and they do an excellent job. They make a lot of fine bubbles to help oxygenate the water.

After reading the reviews on these air stones.......I decided to purchase some epoxy and smoothed the epoxy all over the top of the stone where the inlet tube is. Let it dry a couple days, and installed six of these in our pond ( I also installed a high volume six lead air pump that I purchased on amazon ) WOW.......they work great.....lots of air bubbles from all of them and the fish have great energy from the induced air !!!! I think the epoxy is important covering the whole top circle....Also make sure you have a high volume air pump. The weight of these helps anchor them to the bottom too.

I am a rainwater contractor and I use these often. They are wonderful! They are especially useful to bubble my standing water to keep it fresh and clean. Oxygen in the air kills pathogens and prevents stagnation.

The extra few inches on this air stone made a huge difference in "cleaning" our green pea soup to a clear pond. We had added algae removers and beneficial bacteria. It was not until the air stones were in the pond that things really began to change. Thank you for a great product that saved us from having to have the pond drained and cleaned. We had smaller air stones but these larger ones really did make a visible change in the water and our fish seem to be moving around more and "happier" .

They work; some other ones don't. They're compatible with the drip-irrigation tubing and manifolds one can buy, which, I've found, are more durable and reliable than the stuff usually sold for ponds. I have a couple of sets of eight, and have used them for years, with only occasional cleaning (usually, just a rub of a dish scrubber while the stones are in place and functioning. If you clean your stones with chlorine bleach and have fish, dry them well in the sun--and maybe give them a pre-soak in water containing a dechlorinator such as sodium thiosulfate (pool supply houses sell the stuff: you won't need much).

I have know dislike about this product its works very well in my 70gallon tank lots of bubbles recommend to anyone worth the money

I have the single output of an Alita pump tied to a large cylindrical ayirstone in my 700 gallon aquaponics tank. This pump is replacing a noisy Aquaquip pump of the same air rating that I bought about a year ago but now sounds like the internals are falling apart. The Alita Pump and Large stone combination is producing perceptibly more air that the old setup and is very, very quiet. The tilapia seem to like playing in the better bubble stream as well.

Best air stones ever use two in 150 Gallon aquarium. They do not clog and give well speed oy air bubbles that breaks water surface and keeps water well oxygenized. Need strong air pump to make them work properly.

other stones tend to get "mucked up" with sludge or algae and the air bubbling is reduced significantly. These stones stayed functional at a nearly new functionality for the entire year. I still have them and will use them through the winter to help provide venting for our pond.

I use these to bubble chlorine out of my water for plants. They work great on my 30 gallon barrels. They do get clogged from the added nutrients after a while. I just sit the in a cup of water with some sorbic acid for a while and it cleans up well