• Rated "Best In Class" for Purity and Nutritional Superiority by CleanLabelProject.org after testing over 500 different baby formulas and baby foods
  • Non-GMO; Non-hexane-processed DHA in phospholipids fatty acids that is more bioavailable to help brain and eye development
  • Certified USDA Organic; No hormone, antibiotics treated dairy cows; no harmful pesticides and fertilizer
  • 100% BPA Free Packaging
  • Made in the U.S.A.
  • The best organic start: our baby formula is a good nutritional choice to assure continuation of strong growth and development
  • Pack of Six, 12.7 Ounce (Total of 76.2 Ounce)
  • Gluten free

I can't tell you how many times I have switched my 8 week old son's formula. We have tried Enfamil Newborn, AR, and Gentlease, we have tried Baby's Only Soy, Dairy and Similac Alimentum. Every single one caused my baby some kind of problem, from spitting up to constipation, gas, and pain while eating. At 5 weeks he was diagnosed with silent reflux and put on rantidine three times a day. I did not want to give him prescription drugs at 5 weeks old, but I thought I would try it. He was in so much pain, it was awful to watch. It was also affecting his sleep because he could not lie flat without having pain. To make a long story short, the rantidine did nothing to help his reflux. After two weeks I decided to call it quits. My pediatrician gave me samples of Alimentum because we suspected a milk protein allergy. The Allimentum did no good and gave him diarrhea. I switched back to Gentlease, even though it produced horrible green swamp poops and did not really help anything either. I almost gave up looking for a good formula, assuming that they were all horrible. We tried everything I could find. First we bought a probiotic and started that once a day. It seemed to help aid digestion but did nothing to ease his pain. Then we switched from Avent to Dr. Brown's bottles, which cut down on the gas and helped a little bit more. Finally, I decided to give this formula a try. I was in the middle of a feeding of Gentlease, and he was crying in pain. Just for kicks I popped open a can of the Baby's Only Lactorelief and BAM! No pain! He literally stopped crying right in the middle of the feed, gulped down 4 ounces, and crashed. I did not realize until visiting the NaturesOne website that they do compare this formula to Enfamil Gentlease and Similac Sensitive. It's the only sensitive organic formula on the market. The ingredients are similar to that of the other brands but it does not contain corn or hexane-derived DHA/ARA. It smells and tastes a ton better. I don't think my son is lactose intolerant. Or maybe he is. There are also theories out there that some babies are sensitive to corn or DHA. Whatever the problem, I don't care. After two days of eating this formula, the only time we are experiencing any discomfort is when he has to burp. Even that seems very minimal and the burps are easier to coax out. I always wondered how long I should wait to see results from a new formula. A day? A week? A month? In this case, I have seen improvement from the very first feed. I won't say it's perfect yet, but he may have inflammation from the previous formula. I will update. I know how frustrating it can be to figure out what the problem is if your baby is having reflux issues. It's trial by fire until you nail something down. If you are feeding Enfamil Gentlease or Similac Sensitive and would prefer an organic alternative, this is for you. Please do not let these people who insist that the arsenic will hurt your baby scare you. Do some research on hexane and DHA and decide which is worse, potential small amounts of arsenic (which is naturally occurring from volcanic activities in the areas of the world where rice is grown) or the hexane derivation process. This is the ONLY formula on the market which does not contain DHA/ARA. Yes, it's expensive. But so are Alimentum and Nutramigen, and if your baby needs it, it's worth its weight in gold. I'm so glad it's working for us, and I could not be happier with it. Update 9-14-12 Still working great! After two weeks, it's almost like my son never had reflux at all! We still get the occasional feed where he has an episode, but I think that might be stomach related and since he can't tell me, I'll never know. It seems to help to burp thoroughly when he gets that way. Update 10-3-12 Over a month later we are still loving this formula. I had an extra can of the Dairy formula lying around and wanted to use it up. It instantly gave my son horrible gas and an upset stomach. I think he really does have a lactose sensitivity. I'm so glad Nature's One makes this organic lactose-free formula. My son is growing and thriving on it, with no reflux issues to speak of. Update 1-23-13 We were able to transition to the slightly cheaper Baby's Only Soy formula at 6 months without a hitch. Tried the dairy formula again to no avail. I really think it's the lactose. But the soy is working great and we are saving money while still using the same great company. Update 1-7-15 My son is no longer a baby, but I thought I would do a final Update because there has been interest. My son tested positive for a milk allergy after we introduced solids at 8 months. It was barely detected. We did a combination of almond milk and hemp milk at a year, and he continued to do fine with cheese and yogurt. Now he is 2.5, and while he dislikes cows milk he is free of any dietary restrictions. Despite the milk allergy, he tolerated this formula just fine until he bottle weaned at a year. We did end up switching back to this after trying the soy, simply because I did not care for the smell and texture of the soy, and was a little worried about the whole soy proteins mimicking estrogen thing. But all turned out well and he's a perfectly healthy 2-year-old.

I was verrry nervous to try formula at 7 months with my EBF baby. My baby has really bad reflux and his milk intake was not consistent enough to keep my supply stable. So, I pumped a lot. I also went back to work around the 4 month mark and did not mind the pumping in the beginning. I was beginning to feel really unhappy and stuck to the pump. I felt like I was living by the clock and sick of planning my life around trying to feed and then pump to make sure my supply did not slow down. After weeks of debate & guilt of even thinking about it, I decided it's time to take care of myself and start weaning my son from BFing. I have a nice milk stash from pumping to last him a couple of months, but I will have to supplement with some formula. So, I am going to do give him 2 feedings of formula a day until his milk intake begins to decrease as he starts to eat more solids. I was stressed about finding the safest, cleanest formula possible and I was beginning to consider if I should continue pumping when I saw how horrible all these known brand name formulas are!! How is it even legal for most of these to be even on the market??? I started to research formula and Baby's Only was one of the very few that intrigued me as an option (HIPP was another one, but it seemed like a hassle to find to purchase). It was literally the only formula that gave me a sigh of relief at the thought of comfortably putting in my baby's body. I read and read about how it was one of the cleanest and closest to the taste of BM. I even read into the brown sugar and arsenic levels. Do your research, people! The company has filtered it out. I wanted to test this out before I made a final decision to stop pumping so I went and purchased it from Whole Foods. To my surprise, my baby did not express any difference to it from BM. I started to test one bottle of formula a day and very quickly realized he would do just fine on it. God, it even smells delicious and helps me feel less guilty for supplementing with it. Since starting solids, my son gets constipated easily. I was also very nervous to throw formula in the mix in the chance that it would make it worse. I was so relieved to see this did not constipate him. Maybe the frozen breast milk is helping with breaking down the formula better (read this online). Whatever it is, this is working for us and I am relieved to have found this. Thank you for making this BFing/pumping mama's decision to stop a little easier!! I have now switched to ordering from Amazon due to convenience, but it's worth it to compare prices before purchasing each time. The formula is packaged smaller than other formulas, which makes it a bit expensive. However, I'm willing to pay as much as I need to in order to give my baby the best possible, but I will shop around for it.

Since breastfeeding was not an option for me, I did a ton of research during my second pregnancy to determine what the best formula options were. Being from a small town, my options are fairly limited and with my son, I simply chose whatever Walmart carried that would keep his reflux under control. This time around, I wanted to be more informed. Baby's Only brand formula kept coming up, but the "toddler formula" claim on the label threw me off. There were a few reviews saying it was fine, that the company's policy was to encourage breastfeeding for the first year, but I wasn't completely sure. I went ahead and got one can of the Lactorelief (since both my son and I were lactose intolerant as infants and my husband has issues with lactose as an adult) and brought it with me to the hospital when it was time for me to have my daughter. I asked the attending pediatrician to take a look at the ingredients to make sure there wasn't too much iron or vitamin content for a newborn to handle. He had never heard of the brand but said it was fine to try it. He was anxious to see how she did on it. My tiny 5 pound 8 ounce daughter positively thrived on Baby's Only LactoRelief. In three days of being in the hospital, she didn't lose any weight (which is expected and very common)... in fact, she gained an ounce! The pediatrician was very impressed and said he would be recommending Baby's Only to his patients due to their strict nutritional guidelines and how well my daughter had responded to it. After a week or so, my daughter started to show signs of the LactoRelief giving her cramps, so we switched to Soy. She is now almost 7 months old, 14 pounds and is so healthy and happy. I wish we could purchase Baby's Only locally, but I love that we have her formula delivered directly to our door. It's a wonderful product and I encourage any parent to give it a try.

After extensive research, I came to the conclusion that Baby's Only is THE ONLY FORMULA on the US market that I would feel completely comfortable feeding to my baby. I breastfed my first two and never dreamed that this would be an issue. Then my third came along and we had problem after problem after problem nursing! I pumped exclusively for 5 months but then my supply went away and I had to supplement. Let me start by saying I've already tried many other brands, and almost all of them have given my son troubles (severe diaper rashes, intense diarrhea, projectile vomiting). He has an extremely sensitive tummy, and this is the one brand that I have tried that has not affected him negatively whatsoever. We've been using it for a couple of months now. In addition, this is the ONLY brand (yes - even out of all those organic brands on the US market) that doesn't use high fructose corn syrup, AND the absolutely only brand that uses egg yolks as the source of DHA, rather than algae that is hexane filtered. Last but not least, don't let the "toddler formula" title mislead you. They put that on all of their cans because they want to encourage breastfeeding for the first year, but this formula is perfectly fine for infants! That really confused me when I first saw it, so I wanted to clear that up for anyone else who was perplexed by that. Bottom line - do your research, decide what's best for your baby, but after many long hours of searching/comparing I can honestly tell you that Baby's Only is the best you can find in the US. I say US because I know there are European brands that are just as excellent, if not superior, but you DO have to weigh the cost and time of having it shipped to you from overseas if you go that route. :-) Best of luck to you all!

We switched from Happy Baby Organic formula to Babys Only Lactorelief because our LO was suffering from horrible facial eczema while on the Happy Baby. We gave this a try to see if his eczema was from a lactose sensitivity, and sure enough it was. His face cleared up after two days of being on the Baby’s Only Lactorelief. He has no issues with constipation, and judging by the way he gulps down all of this formula at every feeding, I think he loves the taste. To those reviewers who say this formula is only for toddlers because it’s labeled that way. You are WRONG. The company says it markets it that way because they want to promote breastfeeding until one year of age. Our son is 6 weeks old and he is doing amazing on this formula. As another reviewer said, make sure it’s shipped and sold by Amazon when buying. We received the formula fast with no dents in the cans. Purchased 07/11/2018 - expiration date of August 2019.

To the makers of Babies only LactoRelief Formula, Thank you. You may think you just make a high-quality, organic formula. . For our family with twins, you make miracles. We were at the end of the rope. Our son had silent reflux and screamed and screamed through feeding often during the day and always all night long. We tried all the other special formulas that were out there. Nothing made any difference. We had him on Zantac and that helped a lot but it wasn't a cure. Our pediatrician had recommended babies only formula before the kids were born so we were eager to try it and relieved we saw that you had a lacto relief version. Then we saw some reviews on Amazon and elsewhere because read children with the problem We had. And they described how this formula worked for them. I will never forget the day I went to seven stores to find it - knowing I would get a container by Amazon on rush delivery by 5 pm. But we couldn't wait. And when we got it - it worked. Like a charm. No more crying. He loved it. We loved it. In a few months we transitioned to the lactose version. He is a healthy 25 lb one year old. And we are a grateful family.

I did some searching online and this was the number one rated organicnbaby formula. We have been using this for months. We started when I needed to supplement my breastmilk because I couldn’t always pump enough. The first time we gave it to her she ate it with no issues at all. Since then we’ve used it periodically at daycare and home. Whenever we run out of what I’ve pumped for the day. We are in process of switching fully to this formula. I will update if any issues arise. In terms of the formula itself, it mixes well and easily.

We love this formula! I'm a breastfeeding mama, but when I have to travel, when we have a babysitter, or just to supplement, this is the only formula we will use. It actually smells and tastes nice, which is surprisingly rare. Why is typical formula so awful? This stuff is amazing. Happy baby, no tummy troubles with this. He switches from breastmilk to formula no problem. I feel good about the organic ingredients, and love that includes DHA and ARA. Thank you Baby's Only!!

I have never written an Amazon review before but felt that it was my duty to write this one. My little one was born 4 weeks early and she suffered from gas, badly. I was a wreck for weeks, trying mylicon drops, switching formulas 4 or 5 times. Enfamil gentle ease made her poop leon green and it did not help her tummy. Earth's Best made no difference either. I even considered soy based formulas until I researched the dangers of it. I came across Baby's Only LactoRelief and thought- "What the heck, I'll try it". I noticed the difference as soon as I opened the can. The smell wasn't synthetic like all the other formulas. I reminded me of baby cereal. As soon as I gave it to the little one, she gulped it up. Previously, it was a battle to get her to drink her formula. She would just spit it back out. With Baby's Only, she was ferocious about it. Right away, I knew there was a huge difference. She still suffers from gas in the evenings but about 90% less than she did before. She whines a little bit but that is a far cry from hours and hours of crying. I no longer use the mylicon drops. The change to Baby's Only the answer to my prayers. She's gained so much weight on Baby's Only. In a matter of one month she went from being 5% in weight to 35%. :) Oh, and she's only 11 weeks so don't let the "Toddler" label throw you off. Also, she was never constipated on this, so no worries there either.

So we started with similac sensitive. Then we tried enfamil reguline. Now we are using Baby’s Only for awhile now. Here’s what you need to know. First it takes a baby about three months to get their digestive systems going good. They have to learn to expel gas. This is why you shouldn’t give them gas drops. Let their body learn to work right. Also every time you switch formula there will be an adjustment period for the baby’s tummy. That’s was all taught to me by the best pediatrician ever. Ok. Now with the reguline baby boy started spitting up more and more. It was just an awful time. He wasn’t sleeping well. He had painful gas and acid reflux. So we switched to Baby’s Only. About two weeks in the constipation started. Even with that he was still a million times better than he was with the enfamil. So we decided it was better to work on the constipation then switch again. He wasn’t having reflux anymore. So after some research we add one scant ounce of organic pear juice to a four ounce bottle. Now Everything is peaceful again. I can even lay him on his back to play. Before if I even laid him down to change a diaper he spit up. Tummy time will also help baby tremendously. So as a mama bear who is very careful with her babies I recommend this formula. We use the lactorelief. I sort of wish I had tried the whey protien one first. Also this formula is made in be US.