- 🐔 Healthier Feathers: Packed with protein, Grubblies promote healthy feather production and speed up molting to allow hens to regain normal levels of energy and egg output.
- 💪 Stronger Eggshells: With 50x more calcium than mealworms, a handful of Grubblies aids in the prevention of deformed eggs, and promotes stronger shells that won’t break before getting to the kitchen. A nutritious snack that treats right back.
- 💚 Safer for Your Chickens: Oven-dried Black Soldier Fly grubs, Farm-grown in the USA and FDA-approved! No additives. No preservatives. 100% natural. Also great for ducks, turkeys and other fowl as well as wild birds!
- ✅ Delivers Daily Nutrients: Protein, Calcium, Phosphorus, Fiber, Lysine, Dietary Fat. - Unlike mealworms, Grubblies provide an optimal calcium to phosphorus ratio of 3:1. Also great for ducks, turkeys and other fowl.
- 🙌 Encourages Natural Feeding Behavior: An all-natural daily snack of Grubblies encourages chickens to forage for food, providing them with a wider variety of all-natural nutrients as they scratch at grasses, leaves and other insects.
Roxane Goodfellow
Our chickens loved these!
We have 6 chickens that we got for the supply of fresh eggs, but now they have become members of the family. The girls have not been laying much this winter, so I tried feeding meal worms for extra protein. Egg production didn't budge, and I realized that the mealworms we got were shipped from China. Ugh. I have no idea what might be in those, and I am not confident that my chicken kids should be eating them, or that my actual kids should be eating the eggs we get as a result. I went looking for a better product, found Grubblies on Amazon and the girls love them! They come running when they see or hear the bag come out. The kids love feeding the girls their snack, its so fun to watch. The grubs have so much more protein and calcium than meal worms, they are made in the US, and I looked at the Grubbly Farms website and feel much safer with them than with what I was getting before. I'm happy, the chickens are super happy, and they definitely love the Grubblies. I'm going to get the big treat tank next.
Jennifer Mosby
If you love your chickens, give them Grubblies.
Lisa Laws Peaks
A major hit in our ‘coop’!
I have Japanese Quail. They go crazy over their Grubbies. I started giving them Grubbies (daily) when the Autumn molt was in full swing and egg production had nearly halted. I saw a clear difference within a week in their appearance, activity levels and an improvement in egg production. They went from nearly zero eggs daily to our normal daily egg from each hen within 2 weeks. As for a difference in egg taste, my hubby said he hasn’t noticed any from the quail eating Grubbies. My quail are protected from the weather in an unheated building. I am giving them Grubbies every few days now as cooler weather has arrived here (October) in Ohio and Winter soon to follow. I want them to go into Winter as healthy and pumped up as possible. The entire covey hurries over when I put Grubbies in the enclosures. I like their improved health (and attitude) and they love Grubbies. I like feeding Grubbies because: 1. It’s a USA product beginning to end. 2. The nutrient levels match what the quail need. 3. I’ve seen the difference Grubbies made in my quail AND the quail really like them. 4. NO WASTE!
Connie McCord Determan
Great product smell and texture. My chicks go bonkers for these treats .
I have fed my chicks a variety of treats and other mill worms some veggies they pass up I have had them snub their beaks at regularplain meal worms . I know they say chickens dont care or have great tastebuds .you could fool me by the way they eat certain things .Regular meal worms have nothing on these grubblies .my chicks absolutely go crazy for grubblies .I'm not sure what the smoky scent is but they make for a irresistible meal worm.
Imtiaz Uppal Imtiaz Uppal
I couldn't imagine chickens hating Grubblies. $17 is worth ...
I couldn't imagine chickens hating Grubblies. $17 is worth it, and I buy 2lbs at a time. My girls run up and check my hands for them each time I greet them now. #Grubbliesarelife
Dum Mé
Great product
My hens love this so much I have set up a monthly subscription and also order additional bags as needed. My hens are happy with this treat and seem healthier. Especially during a molt.
Tosin Johnson
My chickens go crazy for these. They know the ...
My chickens go crazy for these. They know the sound of the bag now and come running when they hear it. Quality product.
Gina Ordiway
My chicks weren't sure at first, but now they're addicted!!!
I am a first time chicken parent, so I am learning as I go. I was ordering live mealworms, but it's like having another pet. I had to feed them and put cut potatoes for them to get moisture from. They also freak me out. My chicks love them, but I do not. I live in Texas, so they probably won't survive the heat now that summer is upon us. I was looking for dried mealworms, and I came across these. Dried mealworms are basically an empty shell. The Grubbies actually have more substance to them. In the beginning, they wouldn't try them, but they go crazy for them now. I fill little balls with them, and they kick them around to get these out. It's fun to watch, and it keeps them entertained. They just moved outside a couple weeks ago, so I don't spend as much time with them as I did when they were in the garage. I don't want them to get bored and start picking on each other. I probably should get a subscription to these. When I set the bag on the ground, they step on it and try to get it open.
Cesar Medina
Super happy they are raised in the USA
Fed these to my 4 week old chicks and it took them a day or two to really understand that it was a treat but once they got the hang of it they now go crazy for them. Super happy they are raised in the USA. Will be ordering again.
Okafor Lilian
It's not just hype! But there should be a warning label - Grubblies turned my girls into monsters!! :)
We don't have true free-range chickens. Our area is full of every chicken predator you can think of apart from possums. The do have a lovely garden and run. Still we like take them on escorted free range walks twice a day when we can so they could have the joy of foraging. Once the snow settled in there were no more walkabouts and, not surprisingly, no more bugs! While their feed is perfectly balanced, we figured it would be awfully boring to just eat the same feed for four months. We thought about mealworms to combat the winter doldrums, but then learned about Grubblies. What a great idea! So we ordered some... The girls seemed dubious at first. "Dehydrated bugs? What are you getting at?" They muttered as they munched thoughtfully in fits and starts on that first treat session. The following day's treat session we were expecting the same response. So imagine our surprise when our sweet girls almost attacked us to get at the Grubblies! We had never seen them devour something so voraciously before! Treat time is never a dull moment, and even more so when it's Grubblies! They are quite expensive. But you pay for quality and Grubblies are a thoroughly well-thought-out idea. Perhaps we'll consider raising our own next winter? But we should be back to "wild" bugs here in a couple months. I hope the last pound we have holds out until then! Thanks, Grubbly Farms!