• Total 6pcs in one package, including 5pcs wooden Egg Maracas shakers toys(Assorted colors) & 1pcs hand hold Mini Wooden Sand Hammers Maracas(Random color)
  • Adorable musical gift for baby, kids and children. Gently shake it to make lovely rustling sounds
  • Great subjects to fit the kids and baby’s hand for any early learning, education or home-school music class
  • Add a little more fun, colors and music to Birthday party, Baby shower,Easter for kids
  • Assorted choice of the Cute and Functional Egg Maracas set. Can be very attractive playing toys for any ages children

Bought this for my grandson, just perfect for his little hands, and.he loves making them rattle.

These were delivered in perfect condition and have stood up well to a 9 month old and 2 year old, including being banged against the hard floor daily. This is our daughter's favorite toy and she and the 2 year old she's with during the day love these so much that there are daily baby battles over who gets to play with the maraca.

Used these as stocking stuffers for my one year old, he loved them!

Bought this for a one year old and he loved it. It fit perfectly in his hands and kept him entertained.

Very cute set. Son loves these. He does throw them a lot though. None have cracked, so they do hold up well!

Bought these for my one year old, she loved the stick with the ball one.Very cute and perfect size for her to hold and shake. Not very loud either

Bought these as Easter baskets fillers for the grandchildren. They appear to be well made and sturdy. I was very pleased.

Fun, durable, color doesn't fade or paints even though my 9 months old baby keeps it in the mouth all the time

This set is so wonderful for little hands and baby brains! A great first instrument set for babies/toddlers and it keeps them busy and happy! Painted beautifully and made from quality materials, you can tell!