• ♫ Drum Sticks Standard : 5A 14MM \ 0.56inch 406MM\16.2inch.
  • ♫ Natural finish- Comfortable and Slip Resistant Drum Sticks.
  • ♫ the Drum Sticks Perfect for Youth Rock Bands and Drummer playing ,and more.
  • ♫ Light and fast Drum Sticks for jazz orchestral pit work.
  • ♫ High quality North American maple Drum Sticks.

Great accessory for my Halloween costume

just as expected by discription

Great quality.

Great sticks balanced for the most part straight but have a slight hump at the shoulder. nonconsequential.

30 year professional percussionist. This is my second purchase of this 2 pair deal. These are decent sticks for the price. Fairly durable, although one out of the 8 total sticks had an odd weak spot in it and broke right in half. I was playing and all of a sudden the top half of the stick was gone. Didn’t feel or hear it break. Didn’t even see it fly away, just poof! gone! I play my drums hard, hitting the snare with full attack on the rim and head just about full on stroke. I literally beat the shit out of the sticks. I love a loud tight snare(piccolo) That’s why I tried these out to begin with, the price. Very cost effective for my aggressive style. Give em a try!

These are quite nice.