• Stylish and modern opera glasses with handle
  • Beautiful design and durability built to last
  • 100% quality materials used and tested extensively
  • 3X magnification for indoor viewing, Specially suitable for theater
  • Since this product is not a professional optical lens. It is more ornamental compared with the practicality. It is a perfect Birthday Gifts

I bought these as a gift for my mother-in-law for Christmas and she was very happy with them. We haven't got a lot of mileage out of them yet (we'll see at the next opera), but the build quality is nice and they look really good. She has such bad eyesight anyway, I figure even if she can't see much better with them, she'll look extra fancy, which honestly, is why you go to the opera, right?

I bought five pairs of these for myself and friends who will be attending Hamilton in the coming months. Already two of them used theirs and loved how they work and the effect they had on their friends who also attended. These are not only stylish but practical and I am looking forward to using my own pair soon.

Opera glasses were exactly what I was looking for. I have been wanting to purchase this item but was not sure who carried, so I was happy to see product available at Amazon, and quality appears to be excellent. the have a nice little carrying case also!

Bought these prior to seeing a musical. Seats were rather far from the stage so the binoculars were the perfect tool to enhance the experience and get us closer to the action. The binoculars were so popular with my group that I had trouble using them myself as my fellow theater-goers were constantly asking to use them to see things up close. The quality of the lenses is strong, and the rest of the product has a sturdy, high-quality feel to it. I anticipate these will last. Overall a solid buy!

I absolutely love these Opera Glasses! They are very attractive looking and work very well in the theater, even from the highest balcony at our local performing arts center. I highly recommend this product!

Compact, fit into my small purse, and they don't feel very cheaply made considering their low price. They have some good weight to them and worked perfectly for seeing actors' faces from the mid-balcony.

Got these as a joke for a sporting event and a lot of people found them either funny and one person (doing stat work) found them useful. Be ready for RuPaul 'can't wait to see how this turns out' and or 'Pigeon with Popcorn' references. For me those two things added value to this.

I live in a downtown loft-style condo and I got to admit this is pretty cool just to have laying around for me or my guests to use. It is well-built and sturdy enough for the novelty item that it is but most important to me is that it DOES work. Just make sure to adjust the focal length of the binoculars to fit your eyes (I left adjustment illustrations in my pic review for persons who do not know how to use binoculars). Even if you won't use these that often or for a real Opera they're really cool just laying around, they look stylish. But you definitely don't want to go to an opera with regular binoculars, you would want to go with something like this. And they fold up pretty compact so they can fit in your purse or bag or whatever. It has several adjustments that can make it easy to use. They just look really cool.

Works like actual binoculars. Very stylish, portable and small enough to carry around in small purses. Handle, brim and lenes adjust.

I bought five pairs of these for myself and friends who will be attending Hamilton in the coming months. Already two of them used theirs and loved how they work and the effect they had on their friends who also attended. These are not only stylish but practical and I am looking forward to using my own pair soon.