• It offers robust and efficient tools for compositors to get their job done fast with high quality results.
  • Intuitive user interface: Natron aims not to break habits by providing an intuitive and familiar user interface. It is possible to separate on any number of screens the graphical user interface. It supports Retina screens on MacOSX.
  • Performances: Never wait for anything to be rendered, in Natron anything you do produces real-time feedback thanks to its optimised multi-threaded rendering pipeline and its support for proxy rendering (i.e: the render pipeline can be computed at lower res to speed-up rendering).
  • Fast & interactive Viewer – Smooth & accurate zooming/panning even for very large image sizes (tested on 27k x 30k images).
  • Motion editing: Natron offers a simple and efficient way to deal with keyframes with a very accurate and intuitive curve editor. You can set expressions on animation curves to create easy and believable motion for objects. Natron also incorporates a fully featured dope-sheet to quickly edit clips and keyframes in time-space.

Great software and easy to use one you dig into it.