• Stainless Steel is easy to clean
  • Easy Grip handle for little hands to hold and use
  • Fun characters and colors
  • 12 months and up
  • BPA Free

Although it is better for 2 years old and up children those are cute.

9 month old LOVEs them. Easy to grab, easy to wash. He likes the idea of them and tries to use them even though he isn't super successful in getting the food on them into his mouth.

Perfect size for a 3 year old. I just wish the spoon would actually hold soup better, but I still give this set 5 stars.

Perfect for blw or toddlers! My daughter is 6 months and we’re doing blw and she can use both utensils! Easy to grip and clean

Just as I expected. I worried the metal part would be cheap, thin & bend easy...but it is sturdy & thicker like I hoped. Thanks!

These are the perfect size for my toddler. I like that they are stainless steel so my daughter doesn't chew up the actual eating Alsace like with plastic utensils. The handles are perfect size for her to hold.

My 20 month old son loves these! I think the color is cute, the handle grip is perfect for toddler hands, and the ends of the fork are not pointy, but they can still “stab” food to pick it up. Ordering two more sets actually!

These things are easy to hold, easy to use, and sturdy. But, best of all, well, in the perspective of a toddler, they're easy on the eye (meaning they look good and appealing), making them more favored over other plain utensils.

Bought these for a 2yr old I take care of at my house. She loves the color and has no trouble using both. She is able to stab her food with the fork but it is not sharp enough to hurt her. Love them!

Perfect for my one year old. He keeps stealing my forks now he finally has baby sized ones lol they’re easy for him to hold and good quality ones I fell comfortable with him learning with these