• BURN BELLY FAT: Features 3,000mg of pure CLA to breakdown belly fat so you can slim your waistline
  • ELIMINATE BLOATING: Help get rid of bloating so you can avoid feeling like a balloon all day
  • CAFFEINE FREE: Non stimulant formula so you can avoid feeling nauseous throughout your day
  • NATURAL FAT BURNER: Contains 100% natural ingredients to prevent stomach cramps and poor digestion
  • Formulated by professional natural athletes for optimum effectiveness

Originally, I was a bit skeptical to buy the product because "magic weight loss pills" do not have the best reputation in the fitness industry. After hearing positive feedback about the product though, I decided to give it a try. What appealed to me most was that this pill consisted of all natural ingredients, so I was confident with what I was putting into my body. Once I got ahold of the pills, I followed the instructions to take it after every big meal and I've been doing that every day. Now that I've been taking these pills for the past two weeks, I have noticed a big difference. My metabolism seems to be working more efficiently targeting some of my tummy fat, I've lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks! Don't get me wrong though, I still work out and eat healthy on top of this pill but it seems to be aiding my progress. Im really happy with the product and the seller for being so informative by getting back to me quickly and I would buy it again.

I am personal trainer, natural athlete and bodybuilder, so I have used many brands of supplementation. As a natural athlete its important to me to find nutrition supplements that are high quality, effective AND CLEAN. Unaltered CLA is all that and then some. Many of the CLA brands I have taken before have either not helped me to burn body fat, have had certain side-effects, or had made crazy claims of their effectiveness and charged and arm and a leg for a mediocre product. What I like about Unaltered CLA: 1. It's Unaltered! It's an AMAZING brand of products developed byNATURAL athletes dedicated to offering clean, high-quality supplementation to the market . I've used a few of their products and I have not been disappointed yet. They back up their claims. 2. It doesn't make me feel nauseaus like other CLA products have. There are no heartburn, or side-effects present. 3. It actually worked. I had a competition coming up in three weeks and needed something to help me lose a bit of body fat and lean out. I started taking UnAltered's CLA right about that time and within a week lost about 4 pounds. My energy was not compromised due to low carb intake, since I was taking the supplement. It provided a good amount of energy... and everyone keeps telling me I look leaner and more muscular. I am very happy with the product and will stick to this brand of CLA. Hands down the best one I've takes so far. The pictures above show how I leaned out around the abdomen area. The left is before I started taking CLA and the right picture is about 2 weeks later, one week out from my show.

I have been taking the supplement for 30 days. I am impressed. I usually buy another brand but decided to try this one. I am not disappointed at all. I was using a body wrap and seeing a difference after 2 weeks then decided to try the pills alone and I can honestly say my belly does not sit in my lap like it use to. I certainly believe that it has preserved my muscles my belly is not as flabby. I take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. Yes I am consuming 1 more than recommended. Anyway i will definitely continue using it throughout my weight loss journey. Definitely worth the price. UDATE:I am halfway through my second bottle and I realized these pills are still amazing. I put on a pair of jeans(I have been in tights and t-shirts since quarantine) that I usually fight to button up. I buttoned them up easily and saw the space that was never there in the waist. If wasn't for my but they would fall down. I will definitely continue to take them. I am still doing low carb but not low enough for keto.

I loved this product and pairing it with the Thermogenic PILLS from UNALTERED worked wonderfully! Over the past 4 weeks I saw a decrease in inches around my waist and my energy was through the roof! Taking these paired together kept my focus up and energy high even with working long days and training. I found that it also helped curb my hunger when I had down time. Pairing these two products and incorporating a caloric deficit with also adding minimal of 1 day of cardio to my current program really helped me tone up and tighten my midsection and legs! High Recommend!

I was for sure skeptical about this product as I am with any type of CLA or fat burner. But this stuff is great! No type of stomach aches or anything... only results. I take one pill with each meal. I don't feel as bloated during the day. I'm full of energy. And I've been leaning out :) It's been about a month now and I'm still losing inches! You should for sure try this one out

I have been competing as a pro figure competitor in natural bodybuilding shows for several years now. Over the years I have tried several different supplements out there designed to help with training and fat loss. After losing faith in supplements that claim to help with fat loss and target certain areas I had given up on trying them....Until I came across the Unaltered Athletics line. I immediately was intrigued by the company as they are one of the few that seem to cater to natural athletes, and with my additional research I learned they were founded by natural athletes. As someone who takes great care to be sure I am not putting any banned or mystery substances in my body this was a breath of fresh air! The packaging even states right on it "No Banned Substances" (more applicable to some of the other products I realize, but a nice addition regardless). I paired this with the Unaltered Fat Burner and I noticed an increase in energy and a decrease in appetite - both of which are helping me with sticking to my diet while still training hard in the gym! I would definitely recommend this product and will be buying again. I also plan to try some of the other Unaltered products as well now.

As far as supplements go, I don't really use a whole lot or like to rely on them but I would have to say I was quite impressed with the Unaltered CLA. I am a firm believer in that healthy diet and exercise is what gives a person the results that they are looking for and that there isn't such thing as a supplement that magically provides that ultimate weight loss or muscle gains without putting in the max effort. I have tried using CLA from a different brand in the past and I did not notice any changes. However I was very surprised when I started using the Unaltered CLA because I actually did notice some small but pleasant changes in my torso, so that was a nice enhancement to my healthy lifestyle. I haven't finished the bottle yet but I would definitely consider using this product again. I am very intrigued to explore the other products that Unaltered has to offer!

I have been taking CLA's for a couple of years now, but I just bought the Unaltered CLA's over December & I can honestly say I don't think they've ever worked better. I've been using them alongside Unaltered's Fat Burner & together, I have seen better results than ever. I feel leaner & more tone and I will continue to buy both!! I definitely recommend if you're looking to just shed a little extra belly fat or tone up along with your every day exercise and healthy eating habits! I think it definitely helps aid and work in conjunction with other healthy activities! The price is also reasonable compared to other brands

When I first purchased the belly burner I was excited about the reviews and details about the belly fat burner . I been taking the capsules as recommended being mindful of what I ate each day. In one week I saw a difference in my belly it began to look smaller its been 3 wks now and I slowly see changes in my waist line also one note you have to eat a healthy diet centered around loosing weight to see real results well for me any way thanks for the product it works better then the last kind I purchased I will be sticking with Belly fat burner.

While it's a bit early to give a review of its full benefits, a week into taking this supplement I've noticed a few positive things so far... 1. I don't feel like I have a balloon in my belly, the heaviness and bloated feeling has diminished somewhat. 2. My range of movement has improved, less aches and pains after workout. 3. My daughter has remarked on my skin. Its appearance, especially my face, has a 'glow'. 4. No side-effects, at least for me. I will update my review in about a month, see where I'm at. ONE MONTH LATER - FINISHED BOTTLE REVIEW: So I've finished the month supply and while I've seen some improvements as listed above, if you're several pounds overweight or have a slow-burn metabolism as many of us older women do, it must be taken in conjunction with a diet plan and exercise or the results are not worth raving about. I won't blame the product. If I had I been a more consistent with diet and exercise it might have worked better. But for me, and probably for many, it won't shrink your belly overnight, or even over weeks, by just swallowing the pills and calling it a day. Supplements are only meant to help the process. There is no magic wand in this bottle that will *POOF* make a flatter belly. You gotta adjust some habits on your part.