- NEW 2018 MODEL - The Extreme Light Weight Balance Bike weighs in at just 4 lbs. The all-aluminum frame and foam tires makes this one of the lightest balance bikes in the world.
- BALANCE BIKE DIMENSIONS - The seat adjusts as low as 11" from the ground all the way to 17" tall. The handle bars will adjust from 20" at the lowest point to 24" tall. Making this the best option for young beginners learning to ride a bike.
- WARRANTY - If at all you are not satisfied with the bike, or even the results, please let us know. We will 100% buy back the balance bike from you. With the 100% guarantee, we will fix or replace defective parts as well.
- SAFETY A MUST - Along with providing the best balance bike at the lowest cost, know that each bike is built and inspected with your child's safety in mind. Each clamp is tamper proof, both wheels equipped with safety washers and each frame build to way exceed the weight limits of even larger children. With rigorous testing with larger children, we are proud of the durability of the 2018 model.
- SIMPLE SET UP - Each bike come partially assembled. The wheels are securely attached and ready to ride. Just slide the seat and handlebars in the right position for your child and clamp it down with the wrench provided.
Anivon Zerimar
Great Bike for toddlers!
This bike has been awesome. My two year old loves to ride his bike and he has been able to catch on really quickly. He started just walking with it and now a month later he glides on it a little. Pros: super light, durable, great price. Cons: The plastic covering for the adjustments for the handle bars tends to move around which is just a slight annoyance and it has to be adjusted with a tool instead of a clamp.
Anusha Stha
Small enough for a two year old
It's a great starter balance bike. We gave it to our two year old for her birthday. She's unsure of herself right now, but this summer she should be a little more stable on it. Love that the seat goes so low!
Prabhu Kumar
Great bike for your little beginner
This pedal-less bike was perfect for my three year old niece. We got her some protective pads and she's running wild. We wanted to give her a head start on bike riding, so this was an easy choice. Easy to put together also, quick for her to learn and excellent value for the quality we received. Thank you!
Yvonne Walker
Very light and easy to maneuver
My grandson (2-1/2 years old) loves his balance bike. It's light so he can maneuver it well. He is learning to balance - pushes himself along. When it's nice enough outside he will begin on the lawn and hopefully be able by the end of summer to pick his feet up and coast.
Christopher Fawcett
Bike came in good condition. My daughter is still getting used to ...
Bike came in good condition. My daughter is still getting used to it but she loves it so far. It super light so she can hold it up (she’s 2).
Keny Ewican
Wonderful Confidence Builder for Toddler
My 2 year old grandson has gained so much confidence with this little bike. He has only had it a couple of months and only visits an average of twice a week(the bike stays at grandma's house), but he already is lifting his feet off the ground as he runs up and down the driveway. He is so proud of himself!!
Ashley Taggart
so light and my 15 month old is figuring it out
Oh my goodness, this is so light, yet feels sturdy and strong. I bought this for my 15-month-old daughter because she is constantly trying to get on her big brother's bikes. I was hoping that it would be short enough for her since she is so young and tiny. When she saw the bike her face lit up and she wanted to get on right away. turns out it was about a half inch too tall for her at its lowest setting, but because of the way it was designed my husband was able to take the seat off and made a bubble wrap seat for her around the bike bars where the seat would sit. After about a week of us pushing her around on it while telling her to walk, she has begun to walk it herself. She still needs help with it due to the fact she hasn't figured out steering coordination, but she loves the bike and we love watching her learn and figure it out.
Ashley Bree McNally
Great Balance bike for my three year old, she loves it.
We bought this bike for my three year old as a birthday gift. The most shocking thing about it is how light it is. It is super easy to assemble, but still seems very sturdy. We haven't had too many spills or falls but it still seems very resilient. The one thing I had been concerned about were the wheels and how well they'd hold up, but they appear to very sturdy.
Elaine Fragua
Best lightweight balance bike out there at a great price!
Honestly this is a fantastic buy. I spent what seems like a month and a half reviewing balance bikes for my toddler (2yrs). I was worried that this bike wouldn’t be very good quality or hold up. Boy was I wrong. This bike is nothing but a quality. It lives up to all its features and more. It took no time to set up. It is light weight (I’ll throw it in th bottom of my stroller & take it to the park. And my kid can pick it up.) it can even withold my weight when i sit on the bike ( to show my kid what to do) I have a girlfriend who bought her child the $150 extra light balance bike on the market & this one is just as good if not better...because well you saved a few $! Thus far 4 months later. It has been a fantastic buy. It has held up well, with the exception of the sticker peeling up. But honestly who needs the sticker. I definitely recommend this bike to everyone whether your trying to buy a balance bike or a light balance bike for your little one... this one beats them all (strider etc.)
Nook Luvin Hers Stiff
We love it. Great bike and great seller.
We gifted this bike to my son over the weekend. He just turned 2. He hasn’t figured it out yet but I’m sure in no time he will get the hang of it. It is made well and really cute. The company we purchased this from is amazing too. I contacted them with questions and they were quick to respond and go above and beyond to help.