• Includes 2 pouches of Huel, each pouch containing 3.85 pounds of meal powder (or 7,000 calories worth), a shaker, a quick-start guide and a scoop.
  • Made from real food. Huel meal powder contains a carefully chosen blend of pea and rice protein, oats, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, and coconut.
  • High in protein and fiber, very low in sugar.
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Contains no soy.
  • Huel has a very low Glycemic Index (GI) of 27.

I have been intermittent fasting for over 4 months. I’ve incorporated Huel into my arsenal of fuels. Recently I’ve progressed to OMAD along with fasted weight training. The trick with these ways of eating is hitting your calories, even having a surplus if you’re trying to build muscle. Huel helps me input a huge amount of good quality calories in a few shots, complemented by a good solid meal. I’ve also added nice heavy doses of protein powder into the Huel to up my protein intake. I’ll do two sessions of Huel, 1000 calories... then eat the rest. I’m stuffed but it’s worth it, the results are awesome and I feel amazing. Huel is a great tool to incorporate into your arsenal regardless of your eating style. I’ve recieved absolutely nothing for my review, other than some satisfaction in hopefully helping someone on their journey.

Usually in the morning, I have to force down a meal because I have little to no appetite. Huel takes care of that problem for me because I can just sip on it mindlessly while doing my morning routine, so now I consistently have an easy meal in the morning. The original vanilla/oat flavor of the drink itself is great, but it can be added to and changed very easily. When I drink one bottle full in the morning, I stay satiated for easily 6 hours. It’s not necessarily advertised as a weight loss device, but it could certainly be used as one, since it would be pretty difficult to drink more than 3 of these in one day, and they are ~450-500 calories each for 3 scoops. So far, I’ve lost 16lbs from drinking one or two of these combined with a regular meal once a day. I will certainly be recommending this to people I know.

Vanilla flavor is really good with a unique consistency that I love. Will leave you feeling quite satisfied with little to no cravings between meals. If you’re looking for a cheap, quick and easy meal replacement; I highly recommended it. Be wary when you first start drinking because you will have some bad gas so ease into it so you dont single handedly destroy the ozone layer.

I am a Gulf War vet with GWI, which includes IBS and CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). Part of that are some significant food intolerance and allergies. I've got a longer list of things I can't eat than I can. My body didn't process food like other people so even gaining weight was an issue, I've been between 150# and 160# most of my life (I know some of you think it's a good problem to have). In addition to that I am an airline pilot. Trips involved packing every meal for 5 days or more sometimes 2 weeks. A serious pain the butt. I wanted to try Soylent but Soy and Dairy are on the list of things I can't eat. I tried making my own that didn't go well. Then I found out about Huel....... This stuff was life changing for me!!!! Suddenly I had all this energy. No stomach issues. I could eat this stuff all day. And I didn't have any negative side effects on Huel. All my GWI issues were suddenly non existent. I could think clearly, had 10 times the energy I normally had. I slept better. Heck even my hair felt better (likely a result of the better nutritional value my body was gaining). This stuff is amazing. I recommend it to everyone I know. I happen to like the taste of the Vanilla. I have a pretty good sweet tooth and it tastes like a ice cream shake. I haven't tried the others. But you can make any flavor you want. Even curry sardine flavor and still get the same benefits. It makes it so much easier to travel too. I just throw a bag in my flight case with a bottle of water and my blender bottle and I am good to go for the day. Then when I get to my hotel I have a regular (to me) meal. Rinse and repeat. Get Huel, you will not regret it.

I’ve tried HUEL several times over the 5 days since it arrived and my assessment so far is quite positive. - CONSISTENCY: I see a lot of complaints about the consistency, and I think this is a fundamental mismatch of expectations. There is nothing wrong with the consistency, but it is different than other shakes. Unlike protein or diet shakes, this is not water soluble. Think about it… oats, rice, etc, do not dissolve in water! They remain solid, and so the fine powder dissipates but does not dissolve. It’s very easy to get out clumps if you follow the directions of adding it to a partial amount of water, stirring, adding more water, stirring again. And that’s by hand. I’ve also used it in a blender, which is great, but I’m glad it’s not necessary as my purpose for buying this included travel. I want to take this on the road with me to cut down on processed foods and salts when I am away on business. - TASTE: Benign. It’s not particularly sweet or vanilla. It pretty much tastes like nothing. It certainly doesn’t taste bad or objectionable, though each person will clearly have a different palette and opinion. I’ve blended it with frozen fruit and water to good results. - SATIETY: Two scoops keeps me satisfied for much longer than most other 300 cal meals. I was surprised. Sometimes I (healthy) snack every hour between meals, but I made it from 6am breakfast to lunch without trying. - NUTRITION: I can only attest to how my body feels when consuming HUEL vs other meals that I did not prepare myself from whole ingredients. I enjoy an occasional meal out, but frequently eating not-home-cooked food makes me feel bloated and gross. I have not experienced any negative feelings consuming HUEL. The day after it arrived, I ate only HUEL, sometimes fruit blended in, so not 100%. Today I had it as two small meals, plus other whole foods / home prepared. It has been a substantial portion of my diet for 5 days and does not make me feel like eating typical processed foods or eating out. I have not experienced any stomach or bathroom problems that other people report when they are adjusting, and I did not start small and increase portions, as suggested. At this point, I’m super stoked and plan to continue using this when I don’t have time to meal prep and the occasional breakfast. When I find the downside, if it is noteworthy, I’ll update my review.

So I'm almost through my second bag of the Huel starter package. It's been awesome! I love mixing it with coffee and peanut butter. Definitely plan to order more. For being a nutritionally balanced meal, and high in protein, you can't beat the price or convenience. No digestive issues at all or excessive gas. It's helped me drop a few pounds and looks like it may continue doing so. Excellent product, certainly recommend!

So far so good! Only had it a few days but so far am loving it. I love that you can customize the amount of calories and flavor. My favorite so far is putting coffee in my morning shake. I get a coffee and breakfast in one. My husband and son puts fruit in theirs and they love it too. I only use two scoops instead of three. I found it was too thick for my liking. But it’s still very filling. I’m yet to finish a whole one! Will post further updates if anything changes. But so far very happy.

I’ve used Huel now for a week and a half and I’m very pleased with it so far. The taste is pleasant enough to manage but I will be ordering flavor booster in the near future. You can tell you’re eating peas, rice, and other similar flavors. The texture was not what I expected and took me some time to adjust to. It’s a gritty, full, and thick (depending on amount of water mixed with) texture but is a compromise I can live with to receive the benefits Huel has to offer. As stated in the booklet the package ships with, it may take some time for your stomach to adjust to it. It can feel heavy on the belly for a few days so I suggest sticking to one a day for at least 3 days before increasing intake to two per day. I’m currently up to two shakers per day most days.

I’m not great writing reviews although I am a massive amazon purchaser, but this has changed my life. I had a major surgery and I am a mother of 3, I not only gained a lot of weight but I have little time to take care of myself/eat healthy. Usually I am just picking one kid or another so I don’t eat, and when I do eat I am so hungry I will eat anything (usually carbs). I bought this because a vegan friend was using it, just to give it a try: it has been a game changer. I pack it on the go, I mix it with frozen berries and a banana and voila! A meal! And voila: bye pounds. It has been great for the pocket too, hence I don’t click on seamless impulsively. I highly recommended it.

Not sure why people complain about the taste. It's kinda like vanilla oatnwal but not overpowering. I say go for it if you're considering. However, be aware, drinking this has made me expel the loudest and densest farts i've ever made. They feel hot coming out so you know it'll be gnarly. The fart smells are heavy and linger for hours.