• Award winning and best sellers. Recommended by nursing moms, magazines, celebrities, doulas and lactation consultants, just make sure you are getting only the original silicone breast pumps of haakaa international brand.
  • Patented design. Pat. No. USD810,925S. Perfect for anywhere - haakaa breast pump cann fit anywhere you would like to discretely express or when you wake up in the middle of the night engorged.
  • Extremely Soft,Comfortable and Safe, Approved FDA,100% high quality food grade silicone.Every mom wants green safely baby products and the hakaa pump is BPA PVC and Phthalate Free.
  • Easy to use. Lightweight and Portable. Simply suction to your breast and let the pump do the work for you as it draws your milk using suction, or you can use it for letdown what would otherwise be lost in a breast pad as you breastfeed on the other breast. perfect for long distance trips, planes, car rides or anywhere you would like to discretely express silently and quickly.
  • Safe for dishwasher and can be sterilized.No cords,batteries or assembly required. It’s easy to clean and use.

Over the first 24hrs of having this I’ve pulled over 10oz of otherwised wasted milk! I can’t believe how well it works! Initially I was concerned that it wouldn’t work because I do not leak that much at all. If you are one of those people...rest assured the suction totally changes this! I have the 90oz 1st generation haakaa and am glad I went with this one just because it’s the smallest one. There isn’t a ton of room to use it when feeding your baby so this size worked well for me. Also cleaning it is very fast compared to pumping parts. I am still electric pumping once In the morning as well, but overal this will help me double my milk stash quickly. Get it ladies...you won’t be disappointed!!!

I bought this after seeing my friend using it, I’d never even heard of it before. This was mainly ordered just to catch all the milk I was losing from the breast that my son was not nursing from during feeding, since the one he isn’t latched to ALWAYS leaks. I ended up using it and was really shocked to see that I got a whole once from the breast he was not latched to! Such a fantastic purchase! Just make sure you are careful after you detach it... because I dropped it all over me while trying to unlatch the baby and stand up. RIP 1oz of liquid gold, this underproducing mama cried over you.

I absolutely love this for “pumping” while I feed my little one. It is so easy to clean and sanitize. It has no small parts, and no assembly, which is great for cleaning and for late night use. I also plan to use it to get a bit extra milk on my commutes when I return to work. The suction is good enough that I have been able to put it on and pull my shirt over without a problem. I wouldn’t store anything in this, because the base is not the most stable, but I just keep a set of sanitized Medela pump and store bottles handy, and transfer as soon as I finish. My little one is pretty small still, so I haven’t had an issue with him knocking it off, but the suction is so good, I think even when he is bigger it would be hard to do. It won’t replace my double electric, but it is a great supplement, and anything that reduces the need for my regular pump is a winner in my book.

Bought this item because I read the reviews and wanted to try it out for myself. I absolutely love it. My baby is now a month and a half old and I have a freezer full of milk stored up. I use this product during my night feedings. While baby drinks from one side, I use it on the other boob to collect milk. Easy! Doesn’t require effort, and it doesn’t make any noise. You’ll be surprised how much milk comes out of you.

I bought this way too late... I would have used this soooo much when I first had my baby. It's useless to me now but when I get pregnant again (hopefully) I will DEFINITELY use it. So even though I cant use it now, I did not return it bc I will use it later. Also, breast pump is not an accurate description. Its does not pump. It collects the milk that leaks (or for me, SPEWS) out one breast while the baby nurses from the other. Some women can use this to up their supply at any given time. I have yet to figure out how to use this while my 9 month old nurses... she's too big for me to have anything on my other breast! You're supposed to place it over your breast, squeeze the bottom part, let the suction keep it on your breast while you nurse. It is definitely not a pump; although it is an excellent purchase for an expectant mother. Overproduction or underproduction, it helps either way! Produce too much? Latch that on and let the milk flow! You stay at a comfortable place, save the milk, and your body doesn't read it as "PRODUCE MORE!!!" And if you dont produce more, make the suction a little stronger, and do it every time the whole time and your body will begin to realize more is being taken at every feeding.

I am an EP (Exclusive Pumper). I had my son 11 weeks early and want to breastfeed. He's in NICU and receives feedings through a tube (moving to bottles to see how he does with suckling). He's had to be put on Nutramigen temporarily, but I still pump to keep up production. I wasn't able to get my first initial pump in a timely manner due to complications so I've had issues with low production. I've used hospital grade pumps that retail for $2,300 while at the hospital. I have a $200 electric double pump I use at home. I can still hand express milk after an hour pump session. I had this Haakaa pump on my registry and I've been using it to collect hand expressed milk and collect let down. It's easy to use, it's comfortable, I'm getting more milk per session (I have to store in Snappies to take to NICU so it's measured out), but I like that it's easy to clean. As an EP it can be discouraging to take apart an electric pump and clean every 2 hours around the clock, especially at night. I would definitely recommend this product.

A little background. For the first month of my daughter's life I exclusively pumped due to early on nipple confusion and inverted nipples that made breastfeeding a painful and stressful. Now hear me out I LOVE my Spectra2 electric pump, but after exclusively pumping for a month I realized quickly that it wouldn't be sustainable (AKA it was miserably time consuming). With the use of a nipple shield I am now able to successfully nurse. From pumping all the time I had a consistent oversupply that lead to some serious engorgement. As much as I was happy to keep my supply up to build a freezer stash I was looking for a more comfortable and less time consuming way to collect milk- in comes the Haakaa. Pros: 1) Can be used while nursing OR pumping on the opposite breast. 2) Consistently pulls 2-3 oz per feeding/ pump/ let down. 3) When applied correctly it is VERY comfortable. 4) Compact- great for travel or use in the car. It takes up very little room in the diaper bag. Cons: 1) If you have a squirmy baby they may be able to kick the pump off. 2) The measurements are about .5 a ML off. If you are freezing or storing that milk be sure to measure separately to get an accurate amount. 3) Totally worth it to buy the lid or flower stopper. I have only ever had it tip once but it is still disappointing to see liquid gold go to waste. Final thoughts- I have spent in upwards of $400.00+ to find a breastfeeding solution that works for me and my baby. If I would have known a $15.00 pump would be that solution I would have bought it a lot sooner and saved myself a lot of headache, stress, and painful boobs. Seriously even if it doesn't work for you what is $15 in the grand scheme of things? Buy the pump, build a stash, and love nursing your kiddo.

I have 3 kids and for the first 2 used both a hospital grade pump and a Medela pump that was more inexpensive. I find I get at least as good a result with the Haakaa pump, without the clunky electric pump, the need to be near an outlet, the obnoxious noise, the difficult and time consuming cleaning process. This is so easy to clean, so small and portable. And it is sooo much less expensive! I will say that it takes some practice getting it suctioned on, and I don't trust it to just hang on and not fall off and spill all the milk, so I hold on to it the entire time. I also only pump occasionally, to build up a little "just in case" storage for my newborn, or to relieve extra pressure when my little one overslept and didn't fully empty my overfull breast, or to help unclog a blocked duct. As someone who has always had trouble with pumping, I find this at least as effective as the electric pump, and without many of the annoying drawbacks. It may not be as efficient as a hospital grade pump, but I have only used those while baby was in the hospital, not at home, so most of my experience was with a lesser pump.

I wish I bought this for my first child. About 1 week after delivery I started using the Haaka while nursing to catch the let down. After baby feeds on one side, I use the pump to make sure I have completely emptied and have saved so much milk. Picture shows 3 weeks of collection, which is about a gallon size bag filled with frozen milk each week! I am not pumping between nursing, this is really just what I am catching with nursing. I really struggled with milk production on my first (probably started running too soon) but I am amazed at how much I have already stored up by using the Haaka. I love this product. I already bought two more to always have one available when I am nursing.