• Create documents, presentations, spreadsheets, reports, and more with this all-in-one Office suite
  • Full compatibility to easily open, edit, and share files in more than 60 file formats, including Microsoft Office (.docx, .xlsx, and .pptx)
  • Built-in PDF functionality allows you to export and adjust file size and resolution for web, email, and print formats
  • Organize, edit, and improve your photos with AfterShot 3's intuitive controls
  • View document formatting with Reveal Codes, browse installed or created templates with the template viewer to start a new document, and create keyboard Macros complete with a printable template

When MicroSoft implemented their new policies with regard to Word and Excel, I found it incredible that they would have the nerve to carry out such an attack on us. I could not have been more surprised and furious. However, it was all for the good. I'm so happy to be back with WordPerfect and Quattro Pro. I used them 30 years ago for everything, including completing an engineering degree. I am astounded at how much I missed the Corel Software. It gives me a lift every day to see this old friend and the codes. It really feels good to be back.

I have using WordPerfect since about 1993, and have always used it in a very narrow and specific way. I am a starving writer and I use the outlining feature to structure nearly all of my work. Today, I have about 45, 100-200 page outlines, 4 levels deep; this is what I primarily use WordPerfect for. The problem I have always had, and have learned to work around, has been stability. My files would become corrupted whenever a lot of extraneous printers would sneak in. I dealt with this, by developing a set of disciplines to cope with this. I would back up my work with the files open, so that there was no hidden text. I would also back up my work every few hours, and whenever a problem would arise, I would seek out and remove the extraneous printers codes, and then move all the text to a new file template. These strategies have always worked for me. I use Windows 10 on a Dell 2.1 GH laptop. I have never liked Microsoft Word, and when I discovered that I could not view the printer codes, I abandoned my attempt to adapt to it. I recommend this newer version of WordPerfect (X9) to everyone. Why I give this version of WordPerfect (X9) four stars, is because after about six months of use, it seems to be a lot more stable for my use. This has been delightful.

I have used WordPerfect since I graduated from my CPM computer to a PC and was using WordStar. I was pleased that I could purchase WordPerfect 9 on a disc so I only needed to install what I needed which was word processing and QuatroPro for a spread sheet. My daughter helped me with the installation since installing programs is not something I was familiar with. The only problem we had was right in the beginning when I had to register and the numbers and characters on the label on the envelope were not clear. Once we determined the correct numbers, then everything went smoothly.

I've used both word processing programs, and always come back to WordPerfect. It is absolutely superior to Microsoft Word in every way.

I am extremely happy with the latest version of Corel WordPerfect Office X9. Not only does it have many creative options, the software actually converted all my old documents from prior versions of WordPerfect.

I've been using WordPerfect for decades. great product. works with anything, which is why I like it.

This product was purchased for personal use. I have used Corel products (WordPerfect and PaintShop) for a number of years and have found them reliable, easy to use, and with more capability than I usually need.

I have been using spreadsheets since Lotus 1-2-3 came out. Although Microsoft now dominates, the look and feel of the Word Perfect spreadsheet is much closer to the original Lotus feel. The latest Windows 10 update forced me to upgrade the WordPerfect Suite, as I was using a version that I got about 10 years ago. I still much prefer this spreadsheet to Excel.

1. I like Reveal Codes function. Very valuable. 2. I like the ease in formatting. 3. I have been using one version or another of Word Perfect since WP3 (1987) and it beats everything else out there. Hands down. Unlike Microsoft Office's Word, Word Perfect makes no assumptions about what you want to type or how you want it formatted. Unlike Office, Word Perfect respects your choices. 4. Word Perfect does everything I need it to do. 5. Note: before I started using Word Perfect, I was a loyal WordStar fan (since 1982). And I found the transitiion from WordStar to WordPerfect to be reasonably easy.

I’ve been using WordPerfect since its DOS days, and still much prefer it’s interface, as opposed to Microsoft Office. The latest X9 version works really well, especially with today’s processors and the Windows 10 OS. I highly recommend it for those either looking for an upgrade to their older version(s) of WP, or those who are unsatisfied with other word processors.