• EASY TO INSTALL -- The front-mounted bike seat is easily installed & removed, no need more tools. Applicable to Cruiser Bicycles, Folding Bicycles & City Shared Bikes.
  • SAFE & COMFORTABLE -- USA Safety Standard Certificate. Comfort, safety, an attractive and innovative design, and a good position where the child can fully explore the scenery. Soft and comfortable saddle, hollow for ventilation. Adjustable handrail and fork arm.
  • FOLDABLE -- Easy-folding, ultralight (about 2 pounds), with a free packing bag. Designed and tested for kids from 2 to 6 years old, up to 4.1 feet(125cm) height.
  • INTERACTIVE & FUN -- Front mounted design, better view and more enjoyable ride for the child, enjoy safe family bonding bicycle rides with this Child Seat made with Aircraft-Grade aluminum alloy construction.
  • PACKAGE INCLUDE -- Packing list: 1 x child bike seat and accessories, 1 x packing bag, 1 x user manual. Please kindly note: This seat was specially designed for Cruiser Bikes, Foldable Bikes and City Shared Bikes. If you need the one for Mountain Bikes, Hybrid Bikes and Fitness Bikes, please search this ASIN "B07FMQ2TCD" directly.

Purchased this seat so my grandchildren could ride safely on my bicycle with me. It fits securely; doesn't even wiggle. The grands who are currently 3 and 4 years old fit well on the seat with their own handlebar and foot rests. The younger one yells "Faster!"

Love this seat. I get compliments all the time. At first I was nervous that it didn’t have a belt but my child is actually quite secure, I never feel like she will fall. The only tricky part is getting on and off the bike. I realized that I have to have my seat lower than normal so that I’m flat footed on the ground for stability rather than tippy toe. I nearly fell the first few times I got off the bike. But love it it for urban cycling!!

I bought this so my 4 year old grandson could ride with me. It’s very sturdy and he loves being in front of me so he can see around him better than if he were in the back.

This ingenius device has saved my family for weekday school drop offs in NYC. It fits perfectly onto the bike share here (note there's another model that is for different style of bike) and then folds flat and fits in my rather slim briefcase (along with my laptop, etc.). It's turned morning from a stressful race to catch the bus to a relaxing fun and exciting adventure to kindergarten. It's also drawn a lot of attention. I cant use it without 2-3 parents stopping me and asking about it and remarking on its clever design.

True to pictures and description. A few days ago, when I was travelling in California with my 5-year-old girl, I rent a bike in Santa Barbara, installed UrRider and we toured around the beautiful city on the bike. It was terrific!

Makes exploring downtown LA so much easier and FUN! The seat is super easy to install and very sturdy. It fit like a charm on the Metro city bike in DTLA. Easy to store away in our backpack too. My son is 4 years old approx. 40” tall and 33 lbs.

We got this for my four year old so we could all enjoy family bike rides while not having to wait for her to keep up on her tricycle. This seat is absolutely genius. It was easy to install on my husband's bike, and my daughter loved getting to sit up front and see things as we rode along. She's perfectly content in it and the seat doesn't obstruct my husband's ability to ride well. Such a wonderful product!

Good Deal. This product works as described. Easily installed in 1 mins. It is awesome because it puts your kid right up front where they can see, feel the sensation of speed, and feel the breeze. Cool..... It also allows for communication and overall it’s just more fun. Love this seat! It is exactly what I was looking for. sometimes you also need the helmet.

Seems a bit less safe than my clunky rear seat - (kid is not strapped in, and front is less safe than rear, I hear), but so much lighter and more fun both for kid and I. We love it. He was immediately able to hold on properly.

I love this seat rack. I use it with my bike to ride my kid to school - which is much quicker than public transport in my city. It's easy to attach & detach and once I am done, it folds flat and pops into a little back pack. Then I can continue on my way. Would highly recommend it!