- 🏆 IT'S MORE THAN JUST A BIKE - Help your kids learn the essential first skills needed to riding a bike. Toddlers love the independence and sense of achievement they get from riding a balance bike. It also build their motor skills, coordination and increase their confidence.
- 🏆 ICONIC DUAL REAR WHEEL - The Y Velo Junior allows kids to practice with a stable double-width wheel before switching to a single wheel as they build confidence. We’ve completely refreshed our multi-award winning Y Velo Junior balance bikes with new features and vibrant colors, red and blue.
- 🏆 GROWS WITH YOUR CHILD - The seat height and handlebar height can be adjusted to ‘evolve’ with your child ensuring a best fit for children from 18 months - 4 years old, or up to 45 lbs. The adjustable seat allows for a ride height 11” – 14.17”. It’s the first bike that grows with kids and their confidence.
- 🏆 GOODBYE TRAINING WHEELS - Balance bikes allow children as young as 18 months to be prepared for cycling before stepping up to a pedal bike by three or four years old - without ever using training wheels
- 🏆 DESIGNED FOR SAFETY - Larger wheels and higher ground clearance are designed for safer play and easier riding on uneven surfaces. Three-wheel design guarantees more stability for beginners who are not good at keeping balance
Simon Balzan
Perfect transition bike
Love the weight and material of the bike. Great quality. Love the transiting to only two wheels.
Mattie Mahon
Light weight, well made little bike.
My son just turned 3 a month ago and is slightly too big for it. He loves it though. It was his favorite Christmas gift. After one day he has completely mastered the balance bike and is a total pro. The double wheels on the end are a life saver. I wish I had gotten the regular Velo bike and not the junior because it is so tiny. But it's an awesome bike for the price, very sturdy, light weight and so easy for my son to maneuver. The red color is bright and pretty. Love this bike.
Michelle Moore
Toddler learned to balance in hours
This bike is great. Bought it for my toddler to learn to balance. Within hours he was zooming around balancing. By the third day I took off the double rear wheel and put on the single. It’s a very sturdy bike that will last for years. That’s great, because my 6 month old will be riding it next.
Jomz Grajo
so much freedom!
My 2 year old grandson loves this bike! It's so easy for him to join the big kids and feel confident.
Martie June
Best balance bike ever
Gosh this is the one you need to get. So many options out there but this one gets them going with the two wheels in the back. My two year old sat on it and took right off. It took her longer to ride her regular balance bike this one helped with the transition
Umair Abbasi
Great bike
These were an immediate hit for my kids. My older son learned on this and now my next 2 are as well.
Nigel Gorbunow
It wa a gift for grandson , This product camee highly rated and looks study and easy for a toddler to use when he is ready. Thanks
Don Goode
Velo Junior Balance Bike
So far, we feel as if this bike is what we were looking for for our 3 small grandchildren 3 1/2 and under. It will be given as a gift this weekend, and then we'll know more. It appears sturdy, well-made, with height options for seat and handlebars, as well as a back "wheel" that can be a double for starters, and converted to a single as the kids progress.
April Richards
Great Bike for toddler
I have to say this is a great purchase. My two year old loves to ride on it and won’t stop. The bike is in very good quality and definitely isn’t made by cheap plastic, but good rubber. It is running very smoothly and quite.
Pretty Swag
Perfect Bike for Toddlers
We have a Stride and Yvolution Bike for our son. I recommend Yvoution. Their bike has an extra wheel for the back that allows you to provide more support for your kid while they learn to balance. Our son loves it. It's also much easier to adjust the seat.