• NO SUN? NO PROBLEM!: Custom Grow Lights attach to your Altifarm and turn it into a productive powerhouse year-round for indoor farming and growing.
  • GROW ANYTHING, ANYTIME: Grow anything year-round with this lighting system - fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Your garden will prosper with ease even in the darkest spaces. Let there be light!
  • HOW MUCH LIGHT? Like us, plants too need sleep. Follow the pattern of natural light (sunrise to sunset) and keep the lights on for 12-16 hours every day. You may use an inexpensive mechanical timer to automate this.
  • YEAR ROUND PLANT SUPPORT: Unique wavelength recipe supports a vast variety of plants across their life cycle, from germination to vegetative growth to flowering and fruition.
  • POWERFUL LED'S: High power, high efficiency, long life LEDs powered by OSRAM. IP-65 rated connectors, custom secondary optics, heavy-duty aluminum heat-sink and daisy chain wiring.