• HEALTHY INGREDIENTS: The ingredients are only soybean and water, NON-GMO, no extra adding.
  • GREAT VEGAN: It's a nice size, great packaging, and decent value. tofu absorbs whatever flavours encompass it, so it works well in any dish.
  • LONG ENJORED: From sleek, silken tofu with delicate toppings to piping-hot fried satchels in a robust sauce, tofu provides a versatile canvas for the intricate flavors and textures that Asian and vegetarian cooks have long enjoyed.
  • AMERICA' DAILY FOOD: America has embraced tofu as a healthy, affordable ingredient. And while it has been welcomed into sophisticated mainstream dining, tofu is often hidden in Western guises and in limited applications.
  • ASIAN MAGIC RECIPES: Asian Tofu’s nearly 100 recipes explore authentic,ancient fare and modern twists that capture the culinary spirit of East, Southeast, and South Asia.

This are tofu, but dried so you can keep them on the shelf without worrying about an expiration date. You soak them and add them to soups and they are SO GOOD!!! They have a chewier texture than fresh tofu and I love that. I will be buying these again and I recommend them!