- PREMIUM QUALITY FROM TOP TO BOTTOM + FULLY CERTIFIED for SAFETY – The tricycle is THE BEST trike for 2 year old that creates a smooth, easy ride for young toddlers. With a WINNING combination of a STURDY lightweight frame and a IDEAL HEIGHT designed seat, gives you the oportunity to SWITCH between kids tricycle and No pedal baby balance bike
- PERFECTY DESIGNED for 2 TO 4 YEARS TODDLERS to build CONFIDENCE, INDEPENDENCE and COORDINATION. The toddler trike is designed as a MODULAR 2 year old bike for on-the-go toddlers who are too small to a ride a proper bike. The balance bike for 2 year old 1st birthday boy girl gift creates an easy SMOOTH RIDE for young toddlers and makes this your top picks for the best ride on toys for 1 year old
- EASY TO ASSEMBLE - EVERYTING INCLUDED- The baby bike has a FOLDABLE MODULAR DESIGN and comes 95% already assembled which makes it easy to throw in the trunk of a car for use at the PARK, mall or wherever your toddler would rather ride than walk. The handlebar needs a 2 minute assembly and the 3 widen and durable wheels are strong enough for both INDOOR or OUTDOOR play
- STURDY CONSTRUCTION + EASY TO RIDE - The tricycle for 3 year old is the ideal BIRTHDAY boy or girl gift. The trike for 3 year old LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN is perfect for ALL DAY USAGE that develops key cycling skills, active healthy routines and independence. The tricycles for 2 year olds girls have extra SAFE handle bar grip and KEEPS the TODDLER IN UPRIGHT POSITION
- SHOP with confidence: 2 YEARS WARRANTY & RISK FREE PURCHASE for your toddler trycicles for 2 year olds. Avenor is renowned for it`s World Class customer service and 100% Positive Feedback (over 90.000 worldwide lifetime product PURCHASES) As your first tricycle for 2 year old if for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase or something happened, WE WILL CHANGE IT immediately
Lena Jones
Great for toddlers!
My toddler is desperate to keep up with her two older siblings when we get bikes out outside. This has been a fun addition to our outside toys. This tricycle is sturdy and stable. It is obviously is not as fast as a typical bike but it appropriate for my toddler who is working on building confidence on the bike. My daughter is able to sit with her feet on the ground or reach the pedals. The wheels spin feely and she is able to glide along using her feet to build speed. The frame does fold up but we just leave it unfolded as it is a small bike and does not take up much space.
John Wright
BEST Bike for Littles!
I am thrilled with this company! This is the third purchase we've made from Avenor, and we love them all. My 2.5 year old is pretty small for her age so she can't quite pedal this yet, but she is loving it. We've kept it indoors for now so she can get the feel for it and she loves it. BUT who knew there would be a fight between my 6 year old and the toddler for it?! My 6 year old is right at the max weight limit so she has gotten more use out of it!
Amy Czerw
Adapts to your kids abilities
This bike has been an absolute joy for our nephew! He turned two recently and always wants to do everything his sisters are doing. They ride bikes a lot and this allows him to be like the big kids. He understood how to ride this very quickly And has the support he needs to get comfortable with it. As he learns and grows we can adjust this bike to meet his abilities. I am so glad I went with this one over a traditional bike or normal balance bike.
Yoseph Shiferaw
Easy to assemble and very cute
This little tricycle is very easy to assemble, and the peddles are easy to remove and reattach. I got it for my son who unfortunately is too scared to try it, but it has nothing to do with the tricycle itself. It is small, the perfect size for a 2 or 3 year-old. It is very sturdy, and I consider it definitely worth the money. Hopefully my son will overcome his fears and get on the tricycle eventually.
Cheryl Warren
A perfect fit for our son!
Our son will be 3 in a few months and this is the perfect size for him! It only took a couple of minutes to assemble, and it’s so easy to convert it from a balance bike to a pedal tricycle. Our son absolutely loves it and we were so excited that we were able to get this in orange - his favorite color! This was a great buy and I highly recommend it!
Patricia Best
Cute Little Trike
My 3 year old absolutely loves this little tricycle. It was easy to assemble out of the box! Easy to fold up for storage or keep in your car for trips to the park and easy to fold out for riding. It’s very sturdy- my 11 year old even jokingly sat on it. I highly recommend this tricycle balance bike.
Lia Sahakyan
Fun for kids of many ages!
Both of my kids love riding this! The 2.5 year old is working on the concept of pushing the pedals still, but she can reach these way easier than other tricycles and small bikes we have. The 5 year old loves riding it, too! Customer service was great. Shipped fast!
Elizabeth Swindlehurst - Perry
So cute and easy to put together! Very well made!
Love love love this bike! It folds up and is lightweight. It took less than 2 minutes to put together and my daughter loves it. I also love that it easily transitions from a balance bike to a tricycle with pedals. Very cute! Love the pink!
Caroline Frederick
So so so happy!!
Great for kids with autism help them feel apart of the group! But easier to help balance, and help prevent frustrating situations when tipping over on normal balance bikes! So greatful for this! And the company that made it!