• YELLOW STICKY TRAP: Bright color attract flying insects, and high quality glue keeps them from escaping. Specially designed for flying plant pests. Great for outdoor or indoor plant, especially potted plants.
  • EASY TO USE: The fruit fly trap with sharp bottom can be inserted directly into the soil, avoiding the trouble of tying ropes or hooks.
  • SAFE AND NON-TOXIC: Gnat trap use bright colors and glue to catch pests, no odors and harmful drugs, no harm to people and pets.
  • MULTIPLE PACKAGING: We have different packing methods for large quantity and small quantity for gnat killer, which can meet your different requirements. The more the quantity, the cheaper the price.
  • LONG LASTING: Gnat sticky traps with a very strong adhesive , they are UV resistant and waterproof. No need to replace them until fully covered with bugs.

I'm actually incredibly surprised at how well these attracted my rapidly growing fungus fly problem! I had been trying the apple cider vinegar approach to no avail. In fact, the week or two I waited for the apple cider vinegar to work just allowed my small fungus fly problem to turn into a minor infestation. I was SO done. I had heard that applying neem oil was effective but my research led to different opinions on how to apply it and it all was too fussy for my preference. My solution so far is a two part process. The flies lay their eggs in the moist soil. So if you cover the top layer of soil with fine sand you'll essentially suffocate any existing larvae/eggs and prevent the flies from laying any further eggs which will prevent the current infestation from growing. I used about two 5lb bags of white sand (~$3/ea) to cover the top layer of soil on 12 potted plants (6"-12" pots). The next step was to find a way to get rid of the flies that were already flying around and that was where these bad boys came in. I put two of the sticky butterflies out where the worst of my problems were and within 24 hours majority of the flies had stuck to them. See my photos for proof. I'm so freaking happy!! Within about 1.5 days my infestation was no more. It's been a little over a week and the sand trick seems to be working as well. I highly recommend!

Ok I had my doubts on these based on the mixed reviews, but hands down they are the best thing ever invented. I live in PA and each summer I move all my house plants outside for the summer. Then come fall I move them back inside. Even though I rinse them off before bringing them in, there are always some little bugs that tag along. Now I realize just how many take up residence in my house over the winter. 😵 Yikes. Pictures speak for themselves.

I'm trying to rescue an infested peace lily without using insecticides. I previously used pyrethrin and it helped, but the gnats always bounced back. I didn't have high hopes for glue traps since there's no bait drawing them to the trap. Apparently, the yellow color is enough to attract the gnats. I've found that some traps collect a lot more gnats than others, depending on their location within the soil. So it might help you to use multiple traps and move them around. I don't know yet if these traps will reduce the gnat population to zero and prevent more from hatching under my plant. For now I'm optimistic...

These Fungus Gnat traps are beasts! Before I completely set up the first trap, there were gnats trapped in the adhesive! Even if that may reflect poorly on my gardening skills, it’s a fine example of how well these work! 2 weeks later, with LOTS of gnats trapped, they are still trapping! Advise to users: the flower shaped traps are simple to use: carefully peel the protective film from the bottom up, starting at the ‘stem’. The butterfly shaped ones are more tricky: peel from the stem and both wingtips at the bottom simultaneously, otherwise the film may tear. Setting in place: my best results occurred when I made sure the top of the spade anchor was level with the soil. I had to pre-dig a slot in the soil to accomplish this. Also: these are VERY sticky. Handle from the spade, or gingerly along the edges. Your fingers will definitely stick to the adhesive if you’re not extremely careful (you can pull your fingers free, but it’s not very easy). I definitely recommend this product. (Real buyer, not compensated for my review.)

We came home after a vacation to find the kitchen had been invaded by fruit flies! I didn't want to use anything toxic in my kitchen and these were perfect. Just peel off the front and back paper (be careful, they are VERY sticky) and put them where you need them. I filled coffee mugs with dry rice and stuck the base of the traps in those. That way I could put them anywhere (counter, window ledges, etc.)

I don't like the butterfly shape because I find them difficult to peel off the paper off. The starburst shaped traps are much preferred. Otherwise, they do the job well. They are eventually covered with the next generation of fungus gnats and then I replace them with new traps. The population of gnats has become greatly reduced since I began using them. I have multiple indoor plants, so fungus gnat eggs are often in the soil when purchased unfortunately. Before I used these traps, the gnats were a constant presence. Now I only see one occasionally. I had tried a few YouTube home remedies that were very disappointing. Vinegar and honey etc. nasty smelling concoctions that I set around my home. Yuck! only a few gnats fell for it. Friends and neighbors were, however, very attracted to these smelly cups with a few bugs floating. I am so relieved to have found these.

Im actually in awe of these! Holy smokes they work and they work SO WELL I have lots of plants that come inside during the MN winter and there are constantly a few little bugs hovering near them I have tried all kinds of gross concoctions. These are the cheapest and most effective way to eradicate them completely- the photo posted was a day after putting it in my plant. I wouldve guessed there were 6 or 7 little buggies hiding out in the dirt and this got SO MANY. Its actually gross but makes me so happg theve been taken care of. I replaced these with fresh ones and so far. No more bugs. Hoping theyre wiped out for good but glad if more show up, I know they wont be around long !

It hasn’t even been 24 hours. Actually, it’s maybe been three since I put them to use and literally, before I could even walk away the little annoying gnats that seemingly love my indoor plants started attracting and sticking to them right away! They are a lot larger than expected too. Definitely worth the money!

We've been having gnat problems ever since I started my hydroponic garden. Or changed the soil in my indoor plants. Don't know which, but the gnats are so annoying. You find them in your food, your drinks, in your face, so I had to do something those apple cider traps don't work. Or didn't for me so I thought I try these trap. Saw some of the reviews of how many gnats people caught and first off, ewwww, but thank goodness. I put some around my kitchen and in my plants for almost a week and we've caught a bit. Before this though I did spray wondercide in my plants so now they are ALL over my house but I think I would have caught more if I just put the trap to begin with. The only thing is I wish that what you pushed into the soil was a bit longer so it stayed up right a little straighter and easier to control. But other than that, why is my review for at gnat trap so long... Thank you for reading if you did.

I have a succulent collection and it is nearly impossible to keep the gnats (fungal flies, ick!) out of them. I can spray with neem oil and I have read that they are removed it you scrape the first inch of soil out and throw it away but I have a lot!!! of plants and saw only one or two gnats. So I wanted to try sticky traps. I am surprised at all the little bugs they have trapped! I still see about one a day buzzing around but I consider the problem under control with the sticky traps. The traps come in two cute shapes, butterfly and kind of a daisy flower shape. It is a little tricky getting the paper off the sticky parts. There is an arrow shape that goes into the pot and it has no sticky areas on it. I have found it works best to peel the paper off first then stick the arrow in the pot. I have accidentally pulled the trap back out when it stuck to my finger but eventually I got the trap to stay in the pot. If I need more I would definitely buy these traps again.