A silicone cat bowl mat, because messes are inevitable when dinnertime rolls around. This will keep your floors food-free, and will also protect them from water damage if your cat is the type to splash their water bowl before drinking.
A Catit grass planter that'll keep your cats from eating the plants around your home. This is extremely important to have as a cat owner since some house plants are actually toxic to cats.
A Petmate litter pan for those of you who have dogs, too. Your dog will not be able to reach inside of this box to dig, and your cat's paws will remain dust-free thanks to the litter trap at the top of this box.
A Feline Greenies Pill Pocket that's like a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down. Simply hide the pill inside the treat, press the treat to mold it around the pill, and watch your cat enjoy.
A self-cleaning brush with retractable teeth to make cleanup after a good brushing experience so easy, you'll wish you had purchased it sooner.
A Catit flower water fountain, since some cats prefer running water to water that sits still in a bowl. This fountain filters water to ensure that your cat has a crisp and clean drink every time.
A pair of cat nail clippers, because although you love your cat, their claws can sometimes be the bane of your existence. These clippers are great, as they cause minimal splitting while cutting your cat's claws.
An water additive to help you care for your cat's teeth. Dental care has never been simpler: just add a capful of this to your cat's water, and they will have fresh breath and healthy gums in no time.
A PetUltimates probiotics for cats, because you care about your sweet little kitty who has trouble using the bathroom. This probiotic comes in a powder form and mixes into your cat's wet food effortlessly.
A self-groomer cat toy for the feline in your life who cannot get enough of those precious cheek scratches. This product adheres to any corner in your home, making self-grooming a breeze for your kitty.
A Fresh Step clumping litter with Febreze, because you love your cat — but you do not love the scent of their litter box. This litter traps odor and has a fresh scent that'll make walking past the litter box bearable.
A Gorilla Grips litter box mat so that you'll never have to worry about stepping on litter ever again. This mat traps litter and dust from your cat's paws, and is washable, too.
An interactive roller cat toy, because playing isn't just for kittens! Playtime is vital in ensuring your cat can maintain their physical health and mental awareness.
A set of lickable cat treats for the cats in your life who have very high standards about the food they eat. My cat is such a picky eater that sometimes I wonder if she goes on regular hunger strikes. Yet, whenever I open this container, she comes running.
A hooded litter box, because many cats prefer privacy when using the WC. This litter box will keep them happy, and it'll make you happy since it traps odors.
An elevated food bowl, since some cats actually do not like eating from bowls that are at the same height as the floor.
A box of catnip, because nothing helps a cat unwind like rolling around in this dried herb.
A mesh shower bag for the feline in your life who resents baths, but needs them. This bag will give you the ability to wash your cat's fur without having to worry about them running away every five seconds.
A hangable scratch pad, because your cat needs something other than your brand-new rug to file its nails on.
A Burt's Bees waterless shampoo to help wipe any dirt and debris from your cat after their backyard adventure. This is great for super finicky cats who would not even dare walk past a bath.
An interactive toy maze for the cat who scoffs at mere toy mice. This treat toy is great for keeping your cats engaged and stimulated while you do other things, like tick off chores from your daily to-do list.
A Burt's Bees dander reducing spray for cats who need a bit of help with grooming. This formula contains colloidal oat to promote skin health, and aloe vera to add hydration to their coats.
A cozy pet tent, because no matter how many blanket fortresses you make around the house, your cat can always use a little extra cozy heat. This tent is perfect for keeping the warmth in for all their cat naps.
A bag of World's Best Cat Litter that won't cause your feline any breathing problems, and will be safe on their delicate paws. This formula is made with corn, and without any chemicals that may be dangerous to your kitty. It also clumps quickly and is 99% dust-free. I have some kitties of my own and swear by this litter brand.
A Rocco & Roxie stain and odor eliminator, because accidents happen more and more with age! This spray contains enzymes that eat away at any odor you might be tackling with your senior cat.
A pheromone calming spray for cats who seem to have the Sunday scaries during other days of the week, too. This spray is great for calming anxious cats, and for taming the cats in your life who are rather rambunctious.
And a cat tree with tiers, because what's more useful than a one-stop-shop where your cat can climb, play, lounge, and scratch as they please?